Wow, that thread was 20 minutes of my life I can never get back...what a downer. The bottom line for me personally is people who are shooting these animals are accomplishing nothing more than giving those who oppose a science-based predator control program the forum to stage opposition based on emotional pleas. It is clear to me reading the science that pinniped predation (some specific animals at certain sites) has become a significant contributor to Chinook, Steelhead and Sockeye smolt mortality. For example, we see on the Fraser that ocean-type (smaller) chinook smolts have significantly higher survival rates than their larger stream-type chinook cousins. Several studies have shown that size does indeed matter - the caloric expenditure to chase tiny smolts simply isn't worth it to the same degree as chasing larger smolts. I can't, won't, condone cowboy efforts to blast these animals - its not right. I do support a well managed science-based predator control program that selectively addresses problem animals that have become smolt predator experts. If we fail to address this issue, I believe we are choosing to condemn Chinook, Steelhead and Sockeye to extirpation....along with other animals in the ecosystem dependant upon these fish for prey.