Scotty High Performance Downriggers

The Scotty counters are definately the weak link. With 2 boats we go thru 4 or 5 per boat (3 riggers per boat) a season. I save them up and Scotty replaces them on warranty, it's good to go
Cheers All,

Derby: I am using the 250 lbs Scotty Braid. I am going to give the 180 lbs Scotty a whirl once I finish off my current inventory.

I was told that the new riggers would use more current but those numbers are fairly concerning - more than double. Time to do another load calculation.

I have only had one instance where I had difficulty returning a broken counter - new staff had me pay and, after calling Scotty who contacted the retailer, they reversed the charges. Other than that the counter warranty replacement is painless - take in the unit, fill out the form, drop the old one on the table and walk out with the new one. I do appreciate that this can be done at a significant amount of places around the province rather than having to send the unit in to Scotty.

It will be curious to find out from Scotty why they will not warranty the new counters? I have heard fair amount of comment so far about fogging counters on the new ones - which would indicate that they are not well sealed and I wonder if they 'anticpate' significant problems. Also would be curious what a new digital counter will retail/cost. The current analogue ones are about $20.00. Going to spitball a guess in the $50.00/unit range.

Have taken a look at the backside of the new counters off a video and they appear to have one benefit: they do not appear to be direct drive and appear to run off an electrical impulse. If so then they will not suffer the same mechanical breakdown and, in theory, if they remain sealed, should last much longer than the mechanical units.

Again...lots to consider and time will help with those considerations. Once there are a few on boats with real world experience, much will be sorted out.
Just put 2 new HP Scotties on the boat and tried them out. Man are they FAST. Other interesting thing is they are much quieter than the old style units. Very impressed with the new counter - push button reset - no more rolling that thing backwards. Hope they stand up. The new counters apparently have been upgraded over the test version. I can see you really have to make sure you go with 15 pound balls, anything lighter and the ball will shoot out of the water and wrap around your boom. I use a gangion line with a swivel as a stopper and would highly recommend this system over just using those stupid little plastic stops. I would never take a risk the stopper would break or slip off at the rate those riggers pull. OMG them suckers pull. Careful.
I was at the boatshow and stopped by the Scotty display and just asked about getting a new cable drum for my Scotty and the Rep ask for my address and said he would send me one as soon as he got back to hs office. Today I went to the Post office and picked up a parcel from Scotty with my new part no charge. Hard to beat service like that!