Save the Coquitlam River

  • Thread starter Thread starter michael
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Local indusrty have been destroying the Coquitlam River for decades. The river was just listed the 8th most endagered river in BC by the outdoor recreation council of BC. If something is not done soon to stop these gravel mining companies from their polluting activities the Coquitlam River is surely doomed. It also does not help when these gravel mining companies have the Mayor of Coquitlam and a majority of City Council members in their back pocket.

See how you can help by visiting:
or e-mail Mike at
Yah you can thank BC Hydro's hydroelectric dam for the low water level, and gravel companies for the brown cloudy water. The water levels also will not increase in the future by any significant amount since Coquitlam mayor's past and present have allowed development right up next to the river's banks.