For guys that have run these spoons....are most running naked and slightly faster or using flashers?
Haven't handled either and not sure if the cuts/shape are different so that Andrew's are more conducive to running behind a flasher?
Have to agree. It is a "go-to" in my tackle box.This is one of the best new products to hit the market in years.
I can't say enough about it.
Thanks Andrew for developing a real winner ! can I buy one of these spoons I live in victoria
Were can I buy one of these spoons I live in victoria
I have taken a couple springs on it, but it hasn't done for me what it has done for others, meanwhile the TKO and bait were both catching fish during that period.
West Constance and Becher Bay were the locations.
I haven't committed to cutting it's ice time yet, as the action is very nice and does replicate a sand lance.. but summer is fast approaching and then it will be bait rolling time.
PS - I had some painted by a major tackle manufacturer and have yet to give them any proper ice time, I will let you know how it works out.
Hey Andrew ~ thank you!!
Your spoons have been working like magic on the East side of Galliano. I've only used a green and white 42" behind a green flasher and have been trolling fast as you suggest. This morning we limited out in an hour and a half all on your spoon. I'm a believer!![/QUOTE
My buddy and I caught 5 springs on the Sitka spoon for 65 mins!