This conversation seems ridiculous to me. How do you condone retaining a species on one hand and not condone catch and release of that same species at the same location with the same method on the other hand? It makes no sense to me. If you think that catch and release has a significant impact on that fishery, how could you possibly justify retention of that species in that area?
All these scenario are all cool in my book. Straight C&R, leaving a hole in your limit for a bleeder, grabbing your limit and running, grabbing your limit then C&R til the sun goes down... It's all good. An ethical fisherman recognizes that maybe his gear selection is causing excessive bleeders or deep hooks and makes a change, or slows the boat down when Hooked up while C&R fishing to speed up landing the fish, practices good release techniques to further reduce mortality. Although we want to keep mortality as low as possible and reduce our impact on stocks, a dead fish in the ocean never goes to waste, more of that fish will be consumed and metabolized in the water by other marine life then will ever happen on our dinner plates.
At the end of the day, the concerted efforts of a growing population of ethical and enthusiastic sport anglers getting out on the water as much as possible will do more good than harm for our oceans weather they're killing their catch or not.
Tight lines weather you're just out for practice or playing for keeps [emoji6]
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