Saltwater Catch and Release?


Well-Known Member
Rather than let the topic go on in the Vancouver reports thread.....what are your thoughts?

Wading thru fish hoping for a big one?

Tubbed out but don't want to call it a day?

Don't eat fish but love TO fish?

Is 20+ springs to the boat in a day wrong?

License is full mid season....time to stay home?

Lets also assume that ethical and proper fish handling techniques are being employed. ;)
As long as one's doing all they can to safely release fish I have no problem. Such as single/barbless, keeping the fish in the water etc.etc. Hauling up deep water fish is not a good plan either. Unfortunately there are those that would be overly tempted to slip that 5 pounder over the side when they catch the 30 pounder.
since its posted in the salt reports here is my
Q' to mr Swiggy

Catch a limit and then continue to fish for chinook to catch and release. Irresponsible fishing in my opinion.

Swiggy, not to offend but take up another sport
if a guy wants to stay out on the water and carry on fishing let him
do you know how many times most of us just wish to get a good bit of clam weather, to go enjoy the hobby we follow
not to mention time money and effort it takes
catching a limit is not everyone's sole intention out there you know

having fished catch release for more years than i care to mention
what are you trying to imply that C/R is unethical/ Irresponsible fishing in your opinion.

care to enlighten/educate us with your views?
i am all ears
This is a fishing forum and we all love to fish, so of course everyone is going to say there is no problem, as long as the right hooks are used, no net etc.

We are catching fish for sport. That's a choice we make and we are ok with it. Lets not pretend however that those gill or gut hooked fish are going to survive. Fish die when caught and released. Not all but some do for sure. It doesn't matter how careful you are releasing the fish, not using your net, flipping it with a gaff, whatever, just because we see them kick their tail doesn't mean they live. Again, as a group, sportfishers are okay with that.

Ask a lot of other groups if it is ok to kill something purely for sport and you may not get the same response.
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The rule on my boat is they must keep 1 spot on a license open if they want to C&R. We get a bleeder it dies and we are done.....period
I enjoy fishing as much as the other person. I also enjoy a fine fish on the table to eat.
My family & friends also enjoy fishing. But I call it a day when I get my limit of fish, I have No Problem with a person continuing fishing as long as they handle the fish in a safe way & release it properly.
I just love getting out on the water and have a great time, the fish is just a BONUS for us.

Old Seadog :cool:
since its posted in the salt reports here is my
Q' to mr Swiggy

Catch a limit and then continue to fish for chinook to catch and release. Irresponsible fishing in my opinion.

Swiggy, not to offend but take up another sport
if a guy wants to stay out on the water and carry on fishing let him
do you know how many times most of us just wish to get a good bit of clam weather, to go enjoy the hobby we follow
not to mention time money and effort it takes
catching a limit is not everyone's sole intention out there you know

having fished catch release for more years than i care to mention
what are you trying to imply that C/R is unethical/ Irresponsible fishing in your opinion.

care to enlighten/educate us with your views?
i am all ears

I am not opposed to catch and release or suggesting that others be.

As others have mentioned leave a spot or spots open on your license for your daily limit in case you catch one that you have to take if it is in poor condition.

However once you have caught your limit of one species and continue to target that same species which is the only species available at the time of year. Then yes it is irresponsible fishing in my opinion. This is what the fisherman yesterday mentioned doing. I believe it is you who should take up another sport if you think this is a responsible sport fishing practice.
K. I'm cutplugging at the most expensive lodges on the coast and it's 4:30 am. We leave the dock and we're at Grand Central Station and the first 2 fish angler 1 hooks are 12 and 15 pounds respectively. One is a bleeder and the other For whatever reason does not revive. The fishing is red hot. By 6:30 we have a third bleeder. It somehow got gill hooked with the back hook half way back in the mouth. We then keep going and by 8:30 we find another bleeder. It's 8:30 am . We got for Halis at the Chicken Ranch and we're done on 20 pound Chickens in 30 minutes. We are back at the lodge by 10:15 for breakfast and we're going to tell the're done! Enjoy the hot tub and a massage until 10:30 tonight?
So what is the mortality of sports caught Chinook when released? Is there that many bleeders when single barbless is used? Studies have been done on freshwater fisheries and most of what I've read hovers between 3-8% (going by memory). Definitely better survival than tapping them on the head. Also with other species (steelhead), you kill your limit, you put the rods away. Perhaps not a bad way to go.
K. I'm cutplugging at the most expensive lodges on the coast and it's 4:30 am. We leave the dock and we're at Grand Central Station and the first 2 fish angler 1 hooks are 12 and 15 pounds respectively. One is a bleeder and the other For whatever reason does not revive. The fishing is red hot. By 6:30 we have a third bleeder. It somehow got gill hooked with the back hook half way back in the mouth. We then keep going and by 8:30 we find another bleeder. It's 8:30 am . We got for Halis at the Chicken Ranch and we're done on 20 pound Chickens in 30 minutes. We are back at the lodge by 10:15 for breakfast and we're going to tell the're done! Enjoy the hot tub and a massage until 10:30 tonight?

So because a lodge guest pays whatever amount for a lodge experience they get to kill a bunch of fish beyond a limit to be able to fish from 4:30am - 10:30pm?

Are you suggesting they discard the bleeders and foul hooked fish?

What happens when 20 other fish come up the same way you just toss them too to be able for them to fish all day?
So because a lodge guest pays whatever amount for a lodge experience they get to kill a bunch of fish beyond a limit to be able to fish from 4:30am - 10:30pm?

Are you suggesting they discard the bleeders and foul hooked fish?

What happens when 20 other fish come up the same way you just toss them too to be able for them to fish all day?'re making assumptions.

Are you saying.....if anyone goes out, legal fish to the boat and it's done? I pay $800+ for a day of guided fishing.....we hit the bite and bonk 1 of my 2 springs at daylight. I should bonk the next so I end up going to the lodge to catch up on my magazine reading?

Call me an a-hole but if I am out on the water......I am not there for the shopping (aka. Get my **** and go home). I am out to have fun and FISH. If I have a day free.....I'll C and R all day with a slot open on my license.

I agree with Shawn's train of thought to err on the side of caution should there be a bleeder.
well mr Swiggy i come from the grand old UK

caught carp that are and have gone on to see a grand old age 50+ years in some recorded cases.
some of these fish having been on the bank 2-3 times per season (year) for a good number of years
so if carefully Handel and released they do survive.
i run singles on most of my gear and don't gut or deep hook fish (salmon fishing mainly here in straight)
where the fish may feed different here in the sound to the west coast.
hence why i asked for a enlightenment with your reasoning.

if the practice of cut plugging (causing gut or deep hooking ) is or if your causing damage to a fish.
when hooking it then change the style and way you are fishing.
i put in a fair few hours a year and all year round. so there are many many days i don't catch
its not all hot times and limiting out ...which seams to be your implying view ....

i'll give you a case say your a charter guide and take two guest you run from Vancouver to thrasher
$1000 day for your guest if not more .
4 fish come in the first hour both catch there limit.

going to say to them yeah where done heading back in when they have paid for an 8-12 hr day

don't think that's going to go down well .... there not out for just getting meat,
there out to enjoy a days fishing there is not much else to target as you state
so what is one to do .......??????

hence why i raise another thing with barbed and barbless if now that fish , long line released is it going to be ok or not.
when out i don't see a whole load of shakers floating around dead.
so when there being brought to the boat and let go to swim away, what is the point if your saying there not going to survive?????
you open up the can of worms and got the debate going ....
i have a passion for angling so don't tell a sportie to stop fishing cause he's caught a few
go tell the commercial guy who's hauling in tons that maybe he should care about the stocks in the Ocean...
my view is we should subsidize the guy who making a living at it more, as the license fee is to little
but that's going off topic.
The province of BC continues to open the Thompson River for catch and release only fishing for a run of wild steelhead that has been in the 500-800 range for the last couple of years. These are fish on their spawning run, holding for months in the same few holes getting fished over again and again and again for months prior to spawning in the spring. There are many similar purely catch and release fisheries throughout the province whether it be for the COSEWIC designated endangered white sturgeon in the Fraser or Westslope Cutthroat populations in the East Kootenays.

In my opinion, you can't suggest its unethical to catch and release open ocean, feeding salmon for sport unless you condemn all catch and release fisheries for sport. There is a recognized mortality associated with all catch and release fisheries, whether it's those targeting endangered stocks like Thompson steelhead and white sturgeon or those targeting the abundant stocks of salmon off areas like Haida Gwaii and the West Coast of Vancouver Island.

I'd offer that the percentage of time folks are in a position to catch and release after filling their possession limit for salmon is much less than any given day that the majority of anglers head to their local trout lake to catch and release a dozen or more trout. The latter is viewed as a world class fishery here in the BC Interior. I can't imagine the former is much of a threat outside of particular areas when specific stocks are in high concentration and other reg's already exist to minimize impact to those stocks by the rec sector.


K. I'm cutplugging at the most expensive lodges on the coast and it's 4:30 am. We leave the dock and we're at Grand Central Station and the first 2 fish angler 1 hooks are 12 and 15 pounds respectively. One is a bleeder and the other For whatever reason does not revive. The fishing is red hot. By 6:30 we have a third bleeder. It somehow got gill hooked with the back hook half way back in the mouth. We then keep going and by 8:30 we find another bleeder. It's 8:30 am . We got for Halis at the Chicken Ranch and we're done on 20 pound Chickens in 30 minutes. We are back at the lodge by 10:15 for breakfast and we're going to tell the're done! Enjoy the hot tub and a massage until 10:30 tonight?
Why no continue fishing. its all about the money...right? hell that wouldnt even get you a tip now would it. or maybe put those 2 fish on your own licence. its really sad that you put the size of fish over the experience.
Last edited by a moderator:'re making assumptions.

Are you saying.....if anyone goes out, legal fish to the boat and it's done? I pay $800+ for a day of guided fishing.....we hit the bite and bonk 1 of my 2 springs at daylight. I should bonk the next so I end up going to the lodge to catch up on my magazine reading?

Call me an a-hole but if I am out on the water......I am not there for the shopping (aka. Get my **** and go home). I am out to have fun and FISH. If I have a day free.....I'll C and R all day with a slot open on my license.

I agree with Shawn's train of thought to err on the side of caution should there be a bleeder.

That is all I am saying too. But the fisher who bonked his limit and then kept on fishing C&R yesterday is not right in my opinion.
So since my wife and I don't eat fish we shouldn't be allowed to go fishing??? It's better if we kill our 4 fish rather then catch and release???
well mr Swiggy i come from the grand old UK

caught carp that are and have gone on to see a grand old age 50+ years in some recorded cases.
some of these fish having been on the bank 2-3 times per season (year) for a good number of years
so if carefully Handel and released they do survive.
i run singles on most of my gear and don't gut or deep hook fish (salmon fishing mainly here in straight)
where the fish may feed different here in the sound to the west coast.
hence why i asked for a enlightenment with your reasoning.

if the practice of cut plugging (causing gut or deep hooking ) is or if your causing damage to a fish.
when hooking it then change the style and way you are fishing.
i put in a fair few hours a year and all year round. so there are many many days i don't catch
its not all hot times and limiting out ...which seams to be your implying view ....

i'll give you a case say your a charter guide and take two guest you run from Vancouver to thrasher
$1000 day for your guest if not more .
4 fish come in the first hour both catch there limit.

going to say to them yeah where done heading back in when they have paid for an 8-12 hr day

don't think that's going to go down well .... there not out for just getting meat,
there out to enjoy a days fishing there is not much else to target as you state
so what is one to do .......??????

hence why i raise another thing with barbed and barbless if now that fish , long line released is it going to be ok or not.
when out i don't see a whole load of shakers floating around dead.
so when there being brought to the boat and let go to swim away, what is the point if your saying there not going to survive?????
you open up the can of worms and got the debate going ....
i have a passion for angling so don't tell a sportie to stop fishing cause he's caught a few
go tell the commercial guy who's hauling in tons that maybe he should care about the stocks in the Ocean...
my view is we should subsidize the guy who making a living at it more, as the license fee is to little
but that's going off topic.

My view has nothing to do with fishers limiting out.

The concern is the fisher yesterday who posted he bonked his limit then kept fishing catch and release.
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Why no continue fishing. its all about the money...right? hell that wouldnt even get you a tip now would it. or maybe put those 2 fish on your own licence. its really sad that you put the size of fish over the experience.

Ethics and lodge policy states that the guide does not put those fish on his license. lodges don't have helicopter and plane room for this and the fish shouldn't be feeding lodge employees or guests. That's the fact.

Read my post. The guest is sold on 4 days fishing. The guest limited out in the first 4 hours without even trying. thinking about this for a bit! Anyways, there are a few guides on here who know EXACTLY what I am talking about. 30-50 Spring mornings are very common in some areas at times. However I will say that lodge is using tackle when it's like that.