Salmon Sharks


I know that there are a few outfits that target the species in Alaska and was wondering if you guys ever come across them? I watched a manager at tackle shop in Anchorage rig a Sockeye to troll for these brute's. It was interesting to see as we use 5 pound Shad for big Sturgeon in Oregon as well.
I have a friend who swore he hooked one off of ballenas island in the straight of georgia. I find this hard to believe but the story sounds like he may of.Said it took a fish he was reeling in,was ver 5 feet and then jumped while he was fighting it. Never seen a doggy jump[?]
usually see one or two out off the west coast out of winter harbour each year. They are pretty long. One time just saw the top fin from aways away, and thought it was a huge salmon (couldn't see rest of shark) :P so then zoomed over there with a net and as we got closer i just doubting this is a salmon and then saw what it was and threw that damn net away haha. it was pretty interesting to see. just 3 days ago one came up right beside the boat then swam under it and came up the other side on the west side as well.

quote:Originally posted by SerengetiGuide

usually see one or two out off the west coast out of winter harbour each year. They are pretty long. One time just saw the top fin from aways away, and thought it was a huge salmon (couldn't see rest of shark) :P so then zoomed over there with a net and as we got closer i just doubting this is a salmon and then saw what it was and threw that damn net away haha. it was pretty interesting to see. just 3 days ago one came up right beside the boat then swam under it and came up the other side on the west side as well.


I've had 'em before. When I worked in the Charlottes as a guide I hooked a couple of small ones and they look like mini great whites but they are brown on top. Had a few big ones from 5 to 9 feet surface beside the boat on a few occasions...was kinda freaky...must have been an 9 footer. They're also really fast. I smokin' fast...I think we foul hooked one. Never seen anything move that fast...

Also saw a purse seiner get one in a set...and let's just say they were shotgun...wondering why?

A couple of guys I know of-- put a massive 3 foot Scotman in one and it washed up dead 2 days later in the Charlottes. Don't ask me why. It was reportedly 14 feet....and don't give me any jazz about they only get "so" big.

I've had many of them bite a fish off...a decent sized fish at that!

August is the favorite time..and with big schools of pinks and's prime time!

Also had 3 or 4 rigs bitten off last August while fishing for Sockeye off the mouth of the Fraser.....and that tells me...Salmon Shark. In case anyone is thinking I don't know what I'm talking about, I was using 60 lb test commercially tied gear while sport fishing...and doggies do NOT bite these off half way up the leader.

You can target these!
Yeah, one time about 2 weeks ago we were fishing for hali's and using the spreader bar set up with salmon bellies, then we had this HUGE bite, it was massive and had it one for about 15 seconds then went slack. brought it up and the steel liter that the hali hooks are set up with was bite off. It was not frayed or anything to begin with, as it was brand new right out of the bag. So we figured it was either a massive hali, or a salmon shark. We also get the odd blue shark up here too, so who knows, could of been one of those.

Just did a google search on salmon shark. If any of you are non believers , check it out. unbelieveable!!
We actually prob see more blue sharks than salmon sharks on the west coast...long and skinny buggers. But through good ol wikipedia, blue sharks are more dangerous to humans than salmon sharks...coulda fooled me with those rows and rows of teeth the salmon sharks have!!!! [:0]
I've had salmon shark encounters while out @ Pine. They look like great whites and have 'shoulders', they aint skinny.
quote:Originally posted by SerengetiGuide

i was talking about blue sharks mr dean.

I know dat... I was explaining what a salmon shark looked like, compared to a blue.
The discovery channel a few years back had a show on them. It was really cool they rigged up whole salmon (cut plug style) with large hooks and were sport fishing them. They looked like mini great whites. And when my dad commerical fished he would incounter some. Some times having small ones on the line, having large ones follow the fish being hauled up to the boat or having abunch of salmon coming up as just heads on the hooks


Salmon shark tracking map
I was fishing the Astoria bridge area at the mouth of the Columbia with lots of Sea Lions around when I got bit hard and then it went limp.:( I reeled in a Coho from the gills forward. Every thing else was gone. Probably was a Sea Lion but you never know. Thanks to everyone for the response.
I had a friend from New Hampshire ask me about Salmon sharks in BC waters a couple of years ago. I thought he was nuts until I looked them up. He also said they are good eating any one tried these sharks?

Pulled this from a nother site:
"Salmon Sharks are directly related to both Great White Sharks and Mako Sharks, two of the most sought-after sport fishing species in the world. They yield delicious white meat and are considered an excellent table fare. A single fillet from one of these beasts can weigh over 80 pounds! "

Judging from this picture they are a popular sports fish in Alaska.

are those bullet holes?[8D]
quote:Originally posted by Riptide2

I had a friend from New Hampshire ask me about Salmon sharks in BC waters a couple of years ago. I thought he was nuts until I looked them up. He also said they are good eating any one tried these sharks?

Pulled this from a nother site:
"Salmon Sharks are directly related to both Great White Sharks and Mako Sharks, two of the most sought-after sport fishing species in the world. They yield delicious white meat and are considered an excellent table fare. A single fillet from one of these beasts can weigh over 80 pounds! "

Judging from this picture they are a popular sports fish in Alaska.

That photo looks like a lot more meat than they are likely to be able to eat.... if you can't eat it don't kill it.... let it go for the next guy.

Hate those "wall of meat" photos where you know most of it is going to end up in the dump. Fish and release all day but take home only what you can eat - remember your kharma :)
My second year guiding for West Coast Resorts, I was fishing off of Cheny Pt. in Milbanke with two guests, and we hooked into a fish that I thought was going to be a hog. It ended up after an hour and a half later being a salmon shark. We were fishing out of 18' center console and the shark was about 3/4 the length of the boat. It's crazy how much they look like a great white. One of the guide I worked with also hooked a salmon shark where we fished up north in Whale channel. He said it was around 10' also. We had guides that would try for the blue sharks in Milbanke sound, there were quite a few of them around those waters.
I did a small Sportsman's show today at Bob's in Longview Washington USA and was talking to Glenn Hall / Hawg Quest TV Show He fished the Salmon Shark in Alaska and told me there were as many as 6000 counted in the area he was fishing when he filmed an episode there. I am confident that the meat was consumed by the fishermen in the party because His motto is "We fish and hunt only what we eat". I would have to agree with the others that stated it would be a waste if they were not consuming their catch though.