Salmon Fishing Simulator


Well-Known Member
I remember many years ago going to what I think was a Fish and Game Club Dinner in Victoria and someone had invented a salmon fishing simulator machine which was being demonstrated. It used a real rod, single action reel , line and a motor driven mechanism which simulated a large salmon making runs etc. It was a lot of fun, and newbie’s were learning how to let the fish run on a single action reel , adjust the drag without skinning their knuckle s etc. I have often wondered who made it and what happened to it, and how hard it would be to make one.
Does anyone remember anything about it?
I think the local PRO Outdoor shop in Powell River has one still. You could perhaps contact them. I seem to remember it also had a video.
I think outfitters has/used to have one not sure anymore??

It's a charlie white machine (The Sportfishin Simulator). We have one here at the nanaimo river hatchery that we use for our open house. It doesn't belong to us but its still sitting here. The number on the side is 604-656-6394. Try calling them for more info.
Thanks Shermanater, I called the number out of curiosity and got the Out of Service auto-message. Perhaps that explains why you still have it. I wonder if someone bought the rights to it and then went out of business.

I was just a kid when I saw it being demonstrated. I also seem to remember a video showing a salmon running and jumping while the fish was being played on the simulator. I wonder how many were made and if anyone has the rights to them now? With the advancements in computers I would think there could be a lot more done with the video today, kind of like a super Wii game. I might even be interested in buying one if the price was modest and the mechanism is not to big (I live in a condo).

Charlie White certainly had a knack for marketing; I seem to recall at one time, he was actually getting some people to buy bilge water in a bottle to put on their lures. If I am really bored and they are not biting,I occasionally put one of his lures on (garage sales) for fun. Even though they now seem to have developed almost mythic humour status, I have actually caught a few good springs on them.
Google "Salmon fishing simulator" and click on "king fisher virtual fishing'. For the low sum of $3795.00 you could be the proud owner,o plus $155.00shiping.
Good luck
Well, $37.95 (lol)seems reasonable for the Kingfisher unit but the shipping seems a little steep. Perhaps it will go down with the US dollar continuing its decline against ours.

I did find a site ("") for a unit with the same name as the one Shermanater says is on the unit they have at the hatchery. The site says that the International Game Fish Association has installed five Sportfishin’ Simulators as the feature attraction at the World Fishing Center in Dania, Florida. I did not see a price but I suspect it’s a tad more than I would be willing to spend. I wonder if they bought the rights to it from Charlie White.

This is the one that has the salmon fighting and jumping on the tv. I think there's more species to catch like marlin and a few others. It's a fun game but I don't think it would be a cheap purchase.
Sportfishn' Simulator

I remember many years ago going to what I think was a Fish and Game Club Dinner in Victoria and someone had invented a salmon fishing simulator machine which was being demonstrated. It used a real rod, single action reel , line and a motor driven mechanism which simulated a large salmon making runs etc. It was a lot of fun, and newbie’s were learning how to let the fish run on a single action reel , adjust the drag without skinning their knuckle s etc. I have often wondered who made it and what happened to it, and how hard it would be to make one.
Does anyone remember anything about it?

Hey Rockfish,

I know the post is dated, but wondering if you are still in search of that fishing simulator? If so, drop me a reply...