I apologize for posting pics of J32 ,didn't think j32 had name ,more curious, and did not know of living photo to share.Makes me sick, to think photo's and location I reported led to crime of missing teeth. DFO and Native bands should have had secured j32 till they new what to do with her.I don't enjoy learning from my mistakes ,another poor release on my part. FC
Hi Dave S , here is a link to a outline of the role of toxins as they relate to the Resident Killer Whales . http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/education/documents/whale-epaulard/orca_bioaccumulation_lesson4_e.pdf
I do agree that ingesting 5% of anything is different than ingesting 100% , but if you look at the role that bio accumulation has in these particular chemicals and how they affect the whales that 5% becomes a scary number.
Thanks for your thoughts on this. I'm no expert but I did attend the latest Orca Research conference at UBC a couple of weeks ago and met the many experts who have studied these whales for decades. While they don't know everything about the whales, they do know a TON, including lots on the feed, feeding patterns, etc. I might not have the terminology/details correct but what researchers have been doing to determine killer whale diet includes the following:
1) Analyze their crap (fecal matter) to get a very good idea of the feed composition
2) Put tracking devices on the whales to get 3-D images of what feeding looks like underwater (how they move to feed, depths they dive, etc)
They found that many of the whales dive quite deep to feed (100-200ft) which is where chinook hang out. Overall, it's estimated by the experts that around 95% or so of the Southern Resident Killer Whale diet is chinook salmon. They do eat other salmon for sure and perhaps they will switch over to other species more going forward but so far they haven't really done so. I'll try to dig up some of the interesting slideshows I saw at the conference and share them here.
I sent this to the Times Colonist editor last night.
With the fairly recent death of J32 a relatively young and malnourished pregnant female resident killer whale it is imperative that a discussion begin about how best to begin a recovery plan for south coast Chinook salmon stocks. Chinook that frequent the Juan De Fuca Strait and that are a vital source of food to these whales are not as plentiful as they once were and include many stocks from the Fraser River systems and also the Cowichan and the Sooke Rivers. There are now only 77 southern resident killer whales left of which only 17 are females capable of reproducing at this time. It doesn't take much intuition to realize that loosing anymore of these whales really means these local killer whale families will disappear for good.
Quick action is needed to replenish their food supply. Possibly the quickest and most cost effective local action would be to ramp the Nitinat Hatchery back up to it's full capacity of 10 million Chinook Salmon beginning next fall. That hatchery is only utilizing 50% (5 million) of it capacity at this time and has been operating at these reduced levels for some time now. (budget cutbacks) These 5 million Chinook smolts could be brought down to the Sooke and Victoria area and released here to return again through Juan De Fuca Strait 4 years later as adults. The Sooke Enhancement Society has annually transplanted about 300,000 Nitinat Chinook smolts into the Sooke River for years and while that number has kept the Sooke River Chinook runs from disappearing it hasn't been enough to provide a stable and plentiful supply of food for the whales. It is time to find or raise the money to get the Nitinat Hatchery production back and save our iconic local resident killer whales.