Running flasher from cannonball


Has anyone had any experience running the flasher from the ball instead of on the line in front of the lure? I see pluses and minuses for this. Much easier to bring in your lure/fish, but restricted as to how far back from the ball you run the lure. If I had the flasher 18" behind the ball, and then the lure 4' behind that, would I see less tangling of my lines (assuming they are normally 20' behind the ball)
It's much more enjoyable for playing fish and I do it every time I use a lure that has its own action. To avoid tangles attach the downrigger clip at a minimum the same lengthe as the leader from the ball to the flasher, but up the downrigger line from the ball and you won't have any problems

I'd reccomend running the flasher 4 or 5 ft behind the ball so you get the whole revolution rather than restrained action
Try running the flasher about 8 -10 ft behind the baal and your lure 12-15ft back
I try to always run my setup like this. I have found devices like squid devils and crazy 8's can be used with hoochies and flies so that they have action. Fighting a flasher is no fun.
just curious but has anyone ever used or tried a large willow leaf used for trout fishing off a ball? would there be any reason why you couldn't? they provide alot of flash....
A lot of flash and a lot of drag-Yes they work but seem to attract Rockfish & Coho more than Springs-and Coho as you know like to roll in the line making an unholy mess
hey Fishtofino: can I ask why you hang the flasher so far behind the ball? Also, do you pull it out of the water when you fight a fish?

I think the flasher throws a wider flash back there. Yes, i pull it out if it's a quality fish. I've also tried putting the flasher on a snap and put it above the lure which really seemed to work good when fishing off kelp beds for the lurkers
Clip one or 2 Hot Spot agitator or the Gibbs/delta in line flashers right off the top of your cannon you your bait 6 ft off your rigger line... no big throw required as the roll straight...
I try to always run my setup like this. I have found devices like squid devils and crazy 8's can be used with hoochies and flies so that they have action. Fighting a flasher is no fun.
I've used jughead shakers with hoochies to the same effect.
A flasher adds ten pounds to the fish and takes off 10 minutes of excellent excellent fight :D Even the extra-feisty shakers are fun!