Hali killer
Well we managed to get out this last week and had a blast. Made sure to moniter the weather closely and it was all good.got 4 nice lings 6 yellow eye and 4 halibut.and one giant hangover.
to bad halibut are closes I hope your release them
Good Answer!awe, boooooooooooooo.........lmao...shoulda kept them and dragged them rite on up to john duncans office and tossed em rite on his desk and said here ya go, what are ya gonna do?..holmes*
what do you mean halibuts closed? you just have to lease quota is all.
Just trying to stir the pot or what?
I would think a true sports fisherman would not even say that!
no kidding, tough crowd. Looks like the torches have been lit and the pitchforks are being handed outEasy people. Was joking
Actually halibut, lingcod and rockfish were all closed if you went out anytime near when you posted that. Ling and rockfish close Oct 1 in the Strait of Georgia...geez man.