Rivers Inlet

  • Thread starter Thread starter sheephnter
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Just fished Rivers Inlet for past two weeks- if anyone tells you there was a good run there this year- they are full of BS.

Yes we caught a few nice ones in 40's and a couple 50's- but overall the "fleet" didn't do wortha damn-

Run is LATE???? that will be what they say next
I have never fished rivers inlet, and do not know the normal run size. But with a couple fish in the 40 and 50 pound range each, how much more were you hoping for? That sounds like a pretty good haul to me.
Perhaps you were hoping for a greater number of smaller fish to fill the freezer?
I am just curious,:)
I guess I didnt say that very well- the lodge "fleet" (when I said WE- I meant the lodge group)caught a couple in 40's and a couple in 50's- what I mant to say was that we stayed for two trips total length and of the 22 fisherman- THAT is al that was caught- last week of the 22 fisherman only THREE chinook were caught at the head- thats THREE chinook TOTAL- and was supposed to be primetime!
So just a question a couple and a couple make 4 doesnt it????????
Ok lets se if i can make this more clear:

Two lodge groups of 22 fisherman each- TWO TRIPS TOTAL overall catch- of "large fish"-- was 2 in 40's and 2 in 50's- the SECOND group caught 3 chinook (only) total- OVERALL, for the two trips or 44 fisherman caught ONLY 4 largeer size fish- a few in 30's and 20's were caught by first group- but not many mind you- and of the second group of 22 ONLY THREE FISH TOTAL WERE CAUGHT- dismal results- no matter how ya count

bottom line is: People go to Rivers inlet to try and ctach LARGE fish- not a LOT of fish- they ain't there this year- and bililogist last year said that 2005 wud be a great return to that area based upon escapement numbers 4-5 years previous.

sorry Wolf- guess I didn't say it well, but what I am saying is IF you DIDN'T fish at Rivers Inlet the last month to cath the BIG ONE- you DIDN'T miss much.

heading to Kano Inlet tomorrow

tight lines
Not a problem man LOL
thats very odd because i am just below you at the beginning of knights inlet and it has been a great year so far since june the lodge has been getting limits nothing huge but great numbers i think the biggest is a 45 but who cares as long as your getting fish!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
haha sheephnter, that makes alot more sense and clears it up.

Hey WOlf,
we will be fishing out of telegraph cove for the last ten days of august, so hopefully the fishing stays hot up there.
Man, I cannot wait for the first big spring on the end of my line!
Good luck,
exploer look for a new double eagle with blue canvas and we run on channel 6 on the vhs my handle up the is "eagle eye" or if you ask for bluewolf ill respond we seem to be still going up to malcom in the am then to flower and craycroft for the afternoons see you up there

Good luck Wolf