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Fished Renfrew Monday and half of Tuesday mostly for springs along Campers. Ended up with a 32 lb and a few small springs. Tuesday am fished East point had some bites but no fish in the boat; the guides who were fishing the area landed a few cohos. Not a lot of action for springs or coho. Few boats working the "Can" but didn't see much at the marina coming in.
Fished East point on Thursday a couple of springs #25. Couple of other bites, few boats around not a lot of action. Only a couple of Coho reported by others.

Hello Fello Fishermen.... Going to Renfrew next Thursday..never been there before, Any tips on how to get a few in the boat, would be greatly appreciated. Is offshore the way to go at this time of year??? Help....really hoping to catch some slabs on the last trip of the year!!!
Fished offshore at Renfrew on Weds.

Limit of chicken sized halibut in about an hour, a few medium sized springs in deep water (200 feet), and all the coho you could chase -- although the wild to hatchery ratio may have been 5 to 1.

Inshore, we got one bite, not landed, but saw a few nice slabs caught around East Point in the early evening.

All in all, the coho were the most fun, forget about the meat and just enjoy the non-stop action. We were using jigs shallow and trolling with spoons just below the surface. I wish we brought fly gear or light casting gear, would have been a gas.

Plus, we had a spectacular grey whale show all around us, while reeling in coho. A pretty amazing day.

If you have an offshore capable boat, that's what I'd do, as long as the wind call is ok. Inshore, there's still springs and I hear of a few coho, but not yet thick with them. Soon enough, hopefully.
Thanks Sook!!! Any gps coordinates for the halis, or where you shoulkd go offshore? Should you just troll for them , or is it better to jig? What size is a chicken? 25lbs? Thanks for the info
Sorry BG, I was out there on someone else's boat, just went where I was taken...I don't know the GPS coordinates. I don't think it was a secret spot or anything, there were several boats around. Maybe an hour or 1.5 hour out of Renfrew, I think to E or NE of Swiftsure's closed area -- but not positive about that.

Chickens: 15-25 pounds I'd guess.

Jig for halibut, I think it was about 200 feet deep. No need to anchor though, could backtroll to stay in position.

Sorry to not be more help.

For coho, just stopped on route when it was obvious there were fish everywhere! Pretty much jumping in the boat.

I hope you find some fun and catch some fish.
quote:Originally posted by BentGaff

Thanks Sook!!! Any gps coordinates for the halis, or where you shoulkd go offshore? Should you just troll for them , or is it better to jig? What size is a chicken? 25lbs? Thanks for the info

Any corner of the Swiftsure Closure will yeild some fish, I don't think anyone will give you co-ordinates because the fish get pounded pretty hard out there. Just look on the diamond, and pick one of the corners, they are all fishy. You will be in sight of the guide fleet if the fish are around your area (Or if not if they/we are just playing follow the leader and you hit fish). I spoke to a buddy out there fishing on Thursday, was good for buts, slower for springs and a few coho out in the lanes of the harbour. Smaller coho on the bank.
Renny, Renny, all this skywater has me salavating for a great Boyz trip of fishing. I can almost see the big Northerns taildancing. Hope all this rain stages some beautys off the San Juan for some steady action.
I'm with you,tailspin. I've had to suffer through the last 2 weeks of work watching that uncle of yours fishing his head off! My brother has been up in the QC at the Tlal River(sp?) catching teenage coho on a spinning rod. He delights in phoning me every other night with a fishing report. I figure this weekend it's our turn at the mouth of the bay for some tailwalkers.
We may pound on some flat ones at the Bank first thing thurs followed by a few nice tachs off Carmanah and then it's East Point, should be on for Springs in the mix as well. It has been good the last two years on the same dates.

See you on the pond T2:D
Never been there Fishspoon but it sure sounds nice from my brother's reports. They are fishing the river and also beach launching a little skiff and fishing the mouth--double headers of reel screaming hook nose coho--sign me up!
We got back from Renfrew yesterday from 3 days of decent fishing. It was not great for Coho action though. Hit the ranch on thursday and got into the hali from 15 to 40 Lbs. Bumpy with a 8 foot 6 second swell out there. On the way back we rubbed the beach between Carmanah and Logan, rods down ten minutes and we were into a hawg, 91'in 125' of water. Got it close enough for the boyz to drool and wonder how to get it in the net, it ran out again and then back 15 feet behind the boat were it just sulked on the top. I was ****ting myself as this is the largest Spring i have ever had on or seen and it would not budge. Then it started some big head shakes right on the surface, flipped it's tail and Gone. I was shaking with adreniline for 20 minutes after. I can only guess the weight but the consensus was the tail was wider than 12 inches and at least 20" deep. Maybe i will get the next one in, that's fishing or at least i will tell myself that. Dropped the gear again and made another pass and wham, another good one, real screamer 28# in the coffin. he nexy day we headed out to the 700' mark and searched high and low for Coho. Managed to bring six to 16# home but worked hard in big 6 second swells for them. Will post some pics later.
We got back from Renfrew yesterday from 3 days of decent fishing. It was not great for Coho action though. Hit the ranch on thursday and got into the hali from 15 to 40 Lbs. Bumpy with a 8 foot 6 second swell out there. On the way back we rubbed the beach between Carmanah and Logan, rods down ten minutes and we were into a hawg, 91'in 125' of water. Got it close enough for the boyz to drool and wonder how to get it in the net, it ran out again and then back 15 feet behind the boat were it just sulked on the top. I was ****ting myself as this is the largest Spring i have ever had on or seen and it would not budge. Then it started some big head shakes right on the surface, flipped it's tail and Gone. I was shaking with adreniline for 20 minutes after. I can only guess the weight but the consensus was the tail was wider than 12 inches and at least 20" deep. Maybe i will get the next one in, that's fishing or at least i will tell myself that. Dropped the gear again and made another pass and wham, another good one, real screamer 28# in the coffin. he nexy day we headed out to the 700' mark and searched high and low for Coho. Managed to bring six to 16# home but worked hard in big 6 second swells for them. Will post some pics later.
Gave you a call today out there tailspin, but sounds like you were gone. We started yesterday looking for some springs at east point but it was dead. Headed out into the deep for only 1 15 lb coho. Today was better, 5 coho to 15.Sure looks good on the sounder around the bouy.
Gave you a call today out there tailspin, but sounds like you were gone. We started yesterday looking for some springs at east point but it was dead. Headed out into the deep for only 1 15 lb coho. Today was better, 5 coho to 15.Sure looks good on the sounder around the bouy.
We just missed you T2, East point was slow and full of weed, must have been bumpy Saterday afternoon and Sunday Last Chance. She was sure rocking late Sat am when we left.

Some Coho


Rolly Polly

Culite/Logan Spring
