Release clips


Active Member
Dont understand and cant figure out on my own the various lengths of Scotty downeigger release clips. I see 18 to 42 inches. Thanks
If I understand your question properly. I believe the length of the release clip has to do with the boom length of your riggers, as well as the height of the gunwale. anyone? eman
Eman has it: whatever length works best. The longer the distance from the cable to the boat, the longer the line to the release clip. While hooked to the cable, I like to rest the release clip over the gunwale on the inside of the boat. When it's time to clip onto the fishing line, the clip is close at hand and easily reaches the fishing line.

You got it.... they are avail in 18-60in lengths and everyone has their own idea of what works the best.... it all depends on your boat and your riggers..... i like 30 or 48 myself!