Regulations Question..........needing some clarification

Cheers All...

Fish at your USUAL residence are NOT part of your possession limits. Possession limits are any fish that are on your license (or not) that you would be required to account for to any enforcement agent...regardless of where they are UNTIL they are at your USUAL residence.
Catch 2 day limit take to processer, get shipped home repeat over till multiple photocopies are full. easy as pie mericans do it every year be it skeena or west coast.
Thanks River rat I was just going to correct Bass on that. QB fisher is correct. If bassblaster is using the word "home" as meaning the same thing as "ordinary residence" then he is incorrect.
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Easy answer ...NO. Possession is possession no matter how it is processed but just as importantly you CANNOT TRANSPORT IN CHUNKS.
The fish must be processed in a manor which clearly and easily identifies them as a representation of 4 Chinook and 4 coho. Ultimately the packing should also look like a representation of filets from the same 8 fish. You therefore must cut 2 filets per fish or keep the fish whole with head off OK ( if fish is 4" longer than minimum size limit otherwise head is needed to be left on the whole fish)
The 2 Filets of each fish must be packed to represent one fish and marked as so, plus the caudal fin must be left attached to the skin of one filet for each fish for identification ( this is where cutting into chunks will get you a fine because who knows what salmon species it is without the caudal and how many different fish could be represented by all the random "chunks") Bags then need to be labelled with name, species, date and number of filets representing number of fish.
With a halibut you can cut each of your 4 filets further into two pieces ( total 8 pieces) if you wish but all has to be labelled as such and represent one fish. Theskin of a hali must be left on the filet for identification ( as for rockfish and ling)
As far as consuming fish in the field - go ahead and eat to your hearts content - possession doesn't mean what you have in your stomach ( or what you already crap#ed out a couple days ago !!!) Sending fish to a commercial plant for smoking or canning is supposed to be part of possession but harder to enforce by DFO, I am sure.

Actually , here is what we can do by dfo's regs

Halibut must be filleted in such a way that skin is left on each fillet.

Halibut weighing 14 kg. (30 lbs) or less may be cut into four fillets. The four fillets should be packaged and placed in one bag so that one bag would represent one fish.

For halibut between 14 and 34 kg. (30 and 75 lbs), each fillet may be cut into two pieces. This will result in the fish being cut into a maximum of eight pieces. These pieces should be packaged and numbered in a sequence, e.g., 1 of 8, 2 of 8, 3 of 8 etc. to indicate that eight pieces of halibut represent one fish. Skin must be left on all fillets and pieces.

For halibut over 34 kg. (75 lbs), each of the four fillets may be cut into four pieces. This will result in your fish being cut into a maximum of 16 pieces. These pieces should be packaged and numbered as outlined above. Remember, skin must be left on all fillets and pieces, and the packages should be labelled and numbered as described above.

REMEMBER: It is your responsibility to ensure the packaging will allow the species , number, size and weight to be readily determined.

Cheers All...

Fish at your USUAL residence are NOT part of your possession limits. Possession limits are any fish that are on your license (or not) that you would be required to account for to any enforcement agent...regardless of where they are UNTIL they are at your USUAL residence.

So to clarify further, if I join my friend and his wife who are already in Ucluelet boating and crabbing, but not really fishing, and my wife and I return home while they stay, with our fish and their fish with appropriate letters, they should not retain those species again until I have processed his fish at my house, and driven over to his house and dropped it in his freezer? (Assuming we catch limits.)
Catch 2 day limit take to processer, get shipped home repeat over till multiple photocopies are full. easy as pie mericans do it every year be it skeena or west coast.

Processors like St. Jeans etc etc really should be reporting this ......maybe DFO should make a point of making "friendly" visits to the smokehouses and canneries more often.
So to clarify further, if I join my friend and his wife who are already in Ucluelet boating and crabbing, but not really fishing, and my wife and I return home while they stay, with our fish and their fish with appropriate letters, they should not retain those species again until I have processed his fish at my house, and driven over to his house and dropped it in his freezer? (Assuming we catch limits.)

NOPE. No can do. You are allowed to have someone else take your fish home for you but that fish is still part of that trips possession until such a time that you return home . The key is you cannot retain more that your possession limit while you are away...period. Once you return home to you ordinary residence with the balance of your possesion limit , then go out on another trip , you can now start a new possession limit
NOPE. No can do. You are allowed to have someone else take your fish home for you but that fish is still part of that trips possession until such a time that you return home . The key is you cannot retain more that your possession limit while you are away...period. Once you return home to you ordinary residence with the balance of your possesion limit , then go out on another trip , you can now start a new possession limit

Might want to give DFO a call (or email) on that one? I believe, unless things have just changed it is when the fish arrive at your ordinary residence. :)
Looks like that easy answer Pips was looking for is actually quite confusing.... If you have 3 springs on ice from the first 2 days fishing inKyuquot can you keep 2 on day 3? Eat one for dinner at your residence at -the lodge(although temporary) and therefore bring home 4??
I actually just went through some of the old publications collected over the years and just threw all those old regulations away, but somehow I did miss the 2007-2009 Sport Fishing Guide, it survived. So I took a gander at it, just to check the wording. J

I can say, I have notice over the years there have been some subtle changes made to the Sport Fishing Guide that most don't even notice. If you do have those old regulations take a look, what you will find is what might have been legal as late as 2009 (with a question mark), is specifically spelled out in 2011. The adding of the underlined words on ‘Let’s Go Fishing page 10,

“Fish caught by an angler that is being prepared, cooked, or consumed away from the angler’s ordinary residence is considered as part of the fisher’s possession limit. If you send your fish to a licensed fish processor it is still considered to count towards your possession limit.

So, while the fish caught is being “prepared, cooked, or consumed” clearly states it is part of the possession. Now to me,that means exactly what is states… the fish is part of the possession, until it is ALL eaten and ALL gone – no scraps left, bones discarded. I sure wouldn’t be having two days limit Chinook and a half eaten one in the fridge, as you just might loss them ALL.

Now that underlined portion is a BIG change from 2009. That’s a pretty big hole that DFO just closed. The regulations now clearly state “If you send your fish to a licensed fish processor it is still considered to count toward your possession limit.” I don’t know about you, but that is very clear to me! Might I add… those are MY fish also, I will not think twice and have absolutely no remorse, about dialing that phone number and reporting “POACHERS” be they from any country!

Everyone knows there are ways to abuse the system. To me, having fish transported to your ordinary residence by any means, is not abusing the system and it is legal. Just don't exceed the annual limit. If you call (or email) DFO, they will flat-out tell you, any fish, being transported by any means, ARE considered in your possession, until the time the fish actually reach YOUR ordinary residence. Transporting possession – AT your ordinary residence, no longer possession. Again, pretty clear to me and DFO will gladly clarify, if something has changed - drop them an email.

From what I read: If I catch a fish and give it to St John’s for processing that fish is considered in my possession, until it reaches my ordinary residence. If I give it to a friend to take home for me that fish is considered in my possession, until it reaches my ordinary residence - Not his. If I decide to ship UPS that fish is in my possession, until it reaches my ordinary residence. If I give the fish to a “friend” to store that fish is still considered in my possession, until it reaches my ordinary residence. In case you missed it, regardless what you now do that fish is part of your possession, until it reaches your "ordinary residence"!

The Fishing Guide also looks clear to me:

Let’s Go Fishing; It is illegal to:

PDF page 11 of 98 Let’s Go Fishing 5;
•possess more than your daily and/or possession limit (see glossary page 91/92).

PDF page 12 of 98; Let’s Go Fishing 6
•possess any fish caught while sport fishing that is dressed or packed in a manner so that the species cannot be easily identified, measured where size limits are applicable, is of hatchery origin where hatchery salmon are allowed, and the number of fish readily counted where limits are applicable. This includes removing the carapace, or shell, from any crab.

•field-can any fish outside of a person’s ordinary residence, other than at a registered licensed facility.

On PDF page 21 of 98; Let’s Go Fishing 16 Limits
•The aggregate daily limit (total daily limit) for all species of Pacific salmon from tidal and non-tidal waters combined is four.

•The possession limit for chinook salmon from all waters (tidal and nontidal) is four. The possession limit for all other salmon from all waters is twice the daily limit for that individual species. No person may have in their possession more than eight salmon in aggregate, except at a place of ordinary residence.

•The coast-wide daily limit for chinook is two. The total chinook annual limitis 30 from any tidal waters, of which at most:

–10 may be caught in the tidal waters of the Fraser River;
–15 may be caught in the waters of Areas 12 to 18, 28 and 29 and that portion of Area 19 north of Cadboro Point;
–20 may be caught in the waters of Area 20 and that portion of Area 19 south of Cadboro Point.

•Unless otherwise specified in the limit table, all retained Chinook must measure 45 cm or more from tip of nose to fork of tail. All coho, sockeye, pink and chum must measure 30 cm or more.

PDF page 97 of 98; Glossary page 91
DAILY LIMIT –the maximum number of a species of fish a person may retain in one day.

PDF page 98 of 98; Glossary page 92
ORDINARY RESIDENCE –a residential dwelling where a person normally lives, with all associated connotations including a permanent mailing address, telephone number, furnishings and storage of automobile; the address on one’s driver’s licence and automobile registration, where one is registered to vote. A motor home or vessel at a campsite or marina is not considered to be an ordinary residence.

POSSESSION LIMIT –the number of fish of any species that an angler may have
in his/her possession at any given time, except at place of ordinary residence. In most instances, the (2 day) possession limit is two times the daily limit for that species, however there are exceptions. The possession limit for chinook salmon from all waters (tidal and non-tidal) is four. The possession limit for other salmon from all waters is twice the daily limit for that individual species. No person may have in their possession more than eight salmon in aggregate, except at a place of ordinary residence. Check the limits and management measures tables for specific limits by species.

The above is directly out of the 2011-2013 Fishing Guide. Some of the information posted might be being missinterpted? I highly suggest, if there are questions concerning these regulations that one just drop DFO an email - I have found they have always promptly replied and seemed glad to answer and/or glarify my questions.
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POSSESSION LIMIT –the number of fish of any species that an angler may have
in his/her possession at any given time, except at place of ordinary residence. In most instances, the (2 day) possession limit is two times the daily limit for that species, however there are exceptions. The possession limit for chinook salmon from all waters (tidal and non-tidal) is four. The possession limit for other salmon from all waters is twice the daily limit for that individual species. No person may have in their possession more than eight salmon in aggregate, except at a place of ordinary residence. Check the limits and management measures tables for specific limits by species.

Says it all pretty clearly :cool:
LOL This post is friggin hilarious! By the time you're all finished arguing about it the commies have vacuumed up all the fish in their NETS LOL
so it takes the cannery weeks to process,, as in i have i already have 2 trips getting processed and i have been home once between each trip,, how could that considered possession limit?. so i gotta put the rods away until i recieve my catch from the cannery? I see a problem with this if i am reading correctly.
so it takes the cannery weeks to process,, as in i have i already have 2 trips getting processed and i have been home once between each trip,, how could that considered possession limit?. so i gotta put the rods away until i recieve my catch from the cannery? I see a problem with this if i am reading correctly.

Very doubtful you will have a problem as the fish being processed are not in your possession.
technically maybe, but impossible to enforce.
LOL This post is friggin hilarious! By the time you're all finished arguing about it the commies have vacuumed up all the fish in their NETS LOL

It is funny but quite frankly I feel this is a great thread- gets all of us more aware of the law and gets us reading the regs. I so often see anglers cutting and packaging fish in a way that the fsh is not identifiable. Its surprising I don't hear more about anglers getting nabbed for this infraction.
Thansk Charlie for your input on this - I totally agree that fish beeing eaten during your trip are to be counted as art of possession but once they are completely eaten ( and carcus is gone Charlie brought up with great wisdom!) the fish can be taken off your "possession " count. A fish that no longer exists cannot be part of your possession !

As far as going on a fishing trip and having a buddy take home my possession limit for me once or twice and dropping it in my freezer at my ordinary residence while I stay on the trip and fish.......hmmm , I still am not sure about that one but I will inquire. If that is legal then I'd say its by technicality not logic and really cheating the system in my opinion because it allows you to essentally muliply your possession limit while on a single trip in one spot - which is exactly what a possession limit is trying to eliminate....
Yes , this thread has wondered abit , but , great info ,again Sorry Pippen...

Pippen , first , you are doing somthing that is a liitle off the norm , yes , good questions , sounds like a bit of a headache..
As I said earlier , MTB , a fisherman should have to return to his Residing Address after he accumalates his legal posession limit .
However , This is NOT Law , You can have anyone transport your fish legally , again , to your legal address ,as soon as they are in that
building , you are good for another posession limit , NOT until then , can you retain anymore of those species that you limited out on !!

Last , Posession limit means exactly that , PERIOD , you cannot have anymore than that ON YOU , ON YOU means anywhere but home , weather you have them spread out over the world , or at a Smokehouse , Processor , whatever .

If you get pulled over and have 2 fish caught on that particlar fishing trip that your returning from , and pick up 6 fish from a smokehouse you caught 2 months ago , and have been home 6 times since then , does NOT matter , you have your legal posession limit.

this is NOT my opininion , and NOT howi believe it should be , It's the Law set by DFO...

I get this $hit asked all the time at Camp , when in doubt , i always call and ask...

dfo questions - 1-250-720-4440

no middle man delivery crap , until you re-unite with your posession limit of salmon back at your regular place of residence ,
you should NOT be allowed to retain any more Salmon , .... period

this goes for all species , not just salmon...

this would get rid of alot of abuse...

again , m2b


X2 absolutely agree with this .....infact I assumed it was not legal to to have a "middle man" unless it counted as one possession limit until you got home I mention in a earlier post above
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See post below
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so assuming you limited out and ate 1 of your fish, now you have room 4 one more right?, so say you go and catch that 1 more, now you have your limit plus 1 extra fish on your license, can dfo not see that you have your limit but on your license there are 9 fish recorded?...hmmmm.......holmes*

Coho don't have to be on your licence - just eat the coho ! lol