Regulations Question..........needing some clarification


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

I have a question for you......and as "only dumb questions are ones that are not asked" is my question.

I want to make sure I am within the regs and not misinterpretting them with respect to processing and residences etc.

100% of the time when I am fishing whether it's 2 days or 5 days we only bring back our "possesion" of 4 springs per license (if the god smile on us). We generally are very good in our usage as we tend to finish up our fish in early May and fish through the summer to provide through the winter but usually only keep about 6-10 springs a year that are frozen and not eaten fresh. next confirmed trek is late August in Kyuquot and just in case it is SLOW I want to clarify something.
If I am fishing and in the first 2 days I have 4 springs and I get them "processed" as in vacuum packed in chunks at a local processor, that will have them all labelled as to species etc.; can I bring back a spring that I may catch on day 3 if the 4 springs are already processed? I am pretty sure that processed (packed) or not that no matter what it is simply just 4 springs until I am at my place of residence.....which I am assuming is my house and not the house I am staying in while there.
I sounds dumb but I wanted to be sure.....I would always err on the side of caution but it was just a question in the back of my head.

Cheers.....and thanks guys.
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My understanding is the way you understand it. Stops people from setting up personal canneries and raping the fishing everyday. Just dont wear a pink shirt and im sure you'll be fine
My understanding is the way you understand it. Stops people from setting up personal canneries and raping the fishing everyday. Just dont wear a pink shirt and im sure you'll be fine'll be full effect!!

I was 99% sure that processed or not........and until I am "home" in Vancouver (residence) that is 2 springs per day with a possession of 4....packagaed or whole.
If they want to be pissie, Possession can include what you have at home.
I'm no Lawyer, but that's how it was explained to me by a Fish Cop a few years ago.
Gotcha Labman.

I am not trying to be a hoarder or anything.....but was just curious if I can bonk a fifth spring. I am NOT going to be setting up a canning operation to rape "le ocean". ;)

When in Kyuquot we always bring the fish home "whole" on ice so it is absolutely just 4 that are headed for our home.

The other thing was as far as I can read it.....if we end up using a spring for consumption while we're there it goes against the possession limit which I do understand.
i think "Possession" is the key word, you may only have 4 springs with you.
I know some people will have their catch sent to St Jeans for processing .
These fish are not in your possession.
If they want to be pissie, Possession can include what you have at home.
I'm no Lawyer, but that's how it was explained to me by a Fish Cop a few years ago.

the fish cop is incorrect, as per page 16, paragraph 3 of the salt water regs.

The possession limit for chinook salmon from all waters (tidal and nontidal) is four. The possession limit for all other salmon from all waters is
twice the daily limit for that individual species. No person may have in
their possession more than eight salmon in aggregate, except at a place
of ordinary residence
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ta ta ta da yep you are right ... up for abuse.
Its a mess but if you are driving home you are only allowed your two day "possesion" imit unless which is 4 , BUT if you send those fish in to get processesd and shipped to you home later. then fish away for more thats why you see local canning/proceesing compnaies doing this as then people can stay for 2 weeks somewhere and fish everyday bring in 2 springs a day till they reach there 20 fish limit on there LISENCE

From DFO

Transporting Another Person's CatchTo transport another person’s sport-caught fish you must carry a letter from that person with their signature, stating you are authorized to transport the fish. The letter must state:

•the fisher’s name
•complete address
•telephone number
•fishing licence number
•when and where the fish were caught
•the number, species and size of fish
•name of recipient
•address of recipient
•estimated date of arrival
•reason for transport
some of the chat on the Port sockeye had me thinking about this very thing...we went to China Creek twice...both times we arrived at 6:00pm one day and left at 6:30 am the next day with full or near full possession limits. Then when the commercial meyhem started people were complaining about cutting vacations to China Creek one week, 10 days, two weeks etc short...WTF is that all about? What are these people doing with all these fish?
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some of the chat on the Port sockeye had me thinking about this very thing...we went to China Creek twice...both times we arrived at 6:00pm one day and left at 6:30 am the next day with full possession limits. Then when the commercial meyhem started people were complaining about cutting vacations to China Creek one week, 10 days, two weeks etc short...WTF is that all about? What are these people doing with all these fish?

Umm Yupp , Question of the Day....iv è seen this once too many times....not just Port or Sox , all species , and all over the coast , brutal
( letters to transporters for the outta towners , and sum , outright just take the risk ,)

If Ya witness it , REPORT IT ,

Poaching Contact
1-800-465-4336 ( may be other numbers , this is the one i have in my phone )

sorry bout the jack pips
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Possession limit

The possession limit is 4 springs and 4 other salmon other than sprigs in aggregate. this is to INCLUDE fish at the packing house ,smoke house or being transported by someone else,, 2 day limit 8 salmon total when no at your ordinary residence,,thems the rules..

i dont think anyone should be able to leave there place of residence , and have multiple posessions at any location , a quick trip home by
the licence holder on 8 salmon , and back out is fine , no middle man delivery crap ,

until you re-unite with your posession limit of salmon back at your regular place of residence ,
you should NOT be allowed to retain any more Salmon , .... period

this goes for all species , not just salmon...

this would get rid of alot of abuse...

again , m2b

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Thanks guys.....side track or not. It's just something that popped in mind and reading the regs I figured it was somewhat clear but just wanted to make sure.

I have heard different interpretations both ways; vacuum packed is fine....but you're allowed to take your possesion/daily limit for days beyond......but I have never done it.....always have just called a trip as "take my 4 springs" (no matter how many days) and call it a great trip of catching and releasing the rest of em'.
QB Fisher is correct. Based on conversations with fish and wildlife officials in two provinces possession refers to the sum total of ALL fish or game you have access to regardless of location. The only time you can have a number greater than your personal possession total for any given species is if the excess fish or game animals are given to you after being legally harvest by another licensed individual in which case each package must be labelled with the information previously listed in The Fog Ducker's post.

So if possession is 8 total and you have 4 in the freezer at home and 2 at the smoke house you are legally only allowed 2 more. That's it.
Hey Guys,

I have a question for you......If I am fishing and in the first 2 days I have 4 springs and I get them "processed" as in vacuum packed in chunks at a local processor, that will have them all labelled as to species etc.; can I bring back a spring that I may catch on day 3 if the 4 springs are already processed? Cheers.....and thanks guys.

Easy answer ...NO. Possession is possession no matter how it is processed but just as importantly you CANNOT TRANSPORT IN CHUNKS.
The fish must be processed in a manor which clearly and easily identifies them as a representation of 4 Chinook and 4 coho. Ultimately the packing should also look like a representation of filets from the same 8 fish. You therefore must cut 2 filets per fish or keep the fish whole with head off OK ( if fish is 4" longer than minimum size limit otherwise head is needed to be left on the whole fish)
The 2 Filets of each fish must be packed to represent one fish and marked as so, plus the caudal fin must be left attached to the skin of one filet for each fish for identification ( this is where cutting into chunks will get you a fine because who knows what salmon species it is without the caudal and how many different fish could be represented by all the random "chunks") Bags then need to be labelled with name, species, date and number of filets representing number of fish.
With a halibut you can cut each of your 4 filets further into two pieces ( total 8 pieces) if you wish but all has to be labelled as such and represent one fish. Theskin of a hali must be left on the filet for identification ( as for rockfish and ling)
As far as consuming fish in the field - go ahead and eat to your hearts content - possession doesn't mean what you have in your stomach ( or what you already crap#ed out a couple days ago !!!) Sending fish to a commercial plant for smoking or canning is supposed to be part of possession but harder to enforce by DFO, I am sure. Fish sent home by someone else while you are still on the trip fishing is part of that trips possession limit.....again thats harder to enforce by DFO especially if person bringing the fish home ahead of your return home was not stopped by DFO (and those fish recorded as being yours on the dates caught)
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QB Fisher is correct. Based on conversations with fish and wildlife officials in two provinces possession refers to the sum total of ALL fish or game you have access to regardless of location. The only time you can have a number greater than your personal possession total for any given species is if the excess fish or game animals are given to you after being legally harvest by another licensed individual in which case each package must be labelled with the information previously listed in The Fog Ducker's post.

So if possession is 8 total and you have 4 in the freezer at home and 2 at the smoke house you are legally only allowed 2 more. That's it.
You are incorrect. Please reread QB Fishers post, and my earlier post, with an excerpt from regs. Fish at your usual residence are not part of your possession limit,