Recipe - Sevilla Island Seafood Boats

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By request from Brokenrod - here's another one to take advantage of our local prawns, crabs, scallops and salmon. Yeah, it's got squash in it but try it before you write it off, I'm not a big squash fan but this is really good. Let's the flavours of the seafood come thru.

Dinner for four.

Take two medium sized spaghetti squash, split in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds, place cut side down in flat dish with 1/4" water, cover loosely with plastic wrap and microwave until insides are soft (approx. 10 mins)

Scoop out insides of squash leaving enough squash inside the shells so they still stand up by themselves. Dice the scooped out squash, cool and drain any liquid.

While the squash is cooling cook whatever seafood you want to add to the boats. Prawns, crab and scallops are our usual but we use salmon, snapper or whatever we can find fresh at the time. Set seafood aside to cool once cooked (don't overcook the seafood).

To the diced squash add 2tbsp mayo, 1 egg, two sprigs diced green onion, 1/4 grated cheddar cheese, 1/2tsp salt, 1/8tsp pepper and 2tbsp minced parsley and mix well. Add the cooled seafood and stir to combine.

Spoon the mixture into the squash shells and place on a baking sheet. Mix 1/4c breadcrumbs with 1tbsp melted butter and sprinkle mixture on top of the boats.

Bake 30-35 minutes at 350 until hot when tested with knife.

Boats can be prepared in advance and stored in fridge with butter/breadcrumb topping being added just before cooking.

We serve this presented with a lemon twist/parsely sprig on top, sitting on a bed of yellow rice (add turmeric to normal rice) with BBQ grilled zucchini, red and yellow peppers. For grilled veggies slice the zuch diagonally in 1/4" strips, cut the peppers into sixths and marinate the veggies in olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper and garlic powder for the day. Grill on preheated hot grill for only a few minutes on each side turning only once to make nice grill marks on the veggies.

Bananas flambe or chocolate fondue are nice desserts to go with this meal.

Hope you give it a try and enjoy it!!!
Ian I'm on it. I can speak from experience, that is fricken good. It sounds pretty easy to make too.
We have mentioned your place to several folks. This fall you may she some migration your way later in the year.