Rec. Sockeye Closure


Well-Known Member
Fishery Notice

Category(s): RECREATIONAL - Salmon

Subject: FN0619-Amendment to FN0618 - Non-retention of sockeye salmon in most Southern BC marine waters


The closing time indicated in Fishery Notice 0618 was incorrect. It has been
amended below. All other aspects of the notice remain the same.

Effective 23:59 hours Saturday, August 27, 2005 and until further notice, the
daily limit for sport-caught sockeye in those South Coast waters that are
currently open to sockeye retention is varied to zero. These waters include
Areas 11 to 15, 17 to 21, 24 to 29, 111, 121 and 123 to 127 with the exception
of Area 23 (Barkley Sound) which remains open to sockeye retention.

Note that the following areas are currently closed to sockeye retention:

The tidal and non-tidal waters of the Fraser River.
The Fraser River mouth (Subareas 29-3, 29-4 and 29-6 to 29-17).
Area 16 (Sabine Channel, Malaspina Strait, Jervis Inlet and Sechelt Inlet

This measure is required in order to limit the harvest of the Late Run
component of the Fraser River sockeye return to the 15 percent harvest rate
objective for this stock group. There is currently no available harvest of
Late Run sockeye for commercial and recreational fisheries. Further
recreational sockeye retention opportunities are not anticipated.

The next update regarding the status of Fraser River sockeye stocks will be
Friday, August 26 following the next Fraser River Panel meeting.

Variation Order 2005-365.

Contact the nearest office of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0619
Sent August 25, 2005 at 1715

Edited by - Eagle Maniac on 08/25/2005 19:44:23
FYI, If any-one is ever interested in how many fish are caught daily with salmon test sets,you can see the results on the Pacific Salmon Commision web site.They do not keep it right up to date,but you can listen to the recorded message @604-666-8200 that is (usually) done every day.I'm not trying to stir the pot here,I have just always found the info interesting .WE can cross our fingers,the run could still come in, DFO has changed their mind in the past.
Thats the one! "Cottonwood" is a good example of how many are in the Fraser.For some reason,the guys have not updated it since Aug 17.---SCARED MAYBE?---- Who knows,the guy is probably on holidays that enters the data and posts it!