Re doing 18.5 hurston


New Member
I am going to re do the stringers and would like to add a gas tank and possibly a fish hold in the floor has anyone done this. Do you know if I can cut the stringers back and insert a bulk head? The boat was soaked with foam and it is now 400 lbs lighter. thought welcome on using foam again. Does it add any structural support? We use it under slabs and it works well on compresion. Thanks to who may help. and Please only educated help!
Using a spray type closed cell foam will perform three things.
Dampen and insulate for sound and temperature.
Add structural rigidity.
Add unsinkable buoyancy should there ever be a problem.
This is not the same panel product you are using under slabs.
I'm using a high density polyethelene foam, we use it in the oil industry for void form. Suncore sank a 5' x 8' x 6" sheet of it in a settling pond, a year later they removed the cinder blocks that were holding it under and it shot to the surface. It absorbs NO water and didn't disinegrate, it is impervious to oil, although I'm not sure about gas, I will soak some in a bucket one day to see.
Industrial plastics sell 2 part expandable pourable foam for this type of application. Works best if temp is 25c , starts to expand almost right away and stiffens the hull and helps support the bottom of the boat especially on the rollers or bunks of a trailer. Before you cut the floor and stringers out, support the boat well as the hull could sag and flatten out on you from its intended v shape. I've done a couple sets of stringers and floors over the years.
Industrial plastics sell 2 part expandable pourable foam for this type of application. Works best if temp is 25c , starts to expand almost right away and stiffens the hull and helps support the bottom of the boat especially on the rollers or bunks of a trailer. Before you cut the floor and stringers out, support the boat well as the hull could sag and flatten out on you from its intended v shape. I've done a couple sets of stringers and floors over the years.

When I removed the decking and foam and got down to the stringers I had the boat sitting on a trailer. The boat has 5 Stringers the outside 2 are good the second row of 2 inside are about 30% and center is gutted. I hope It hasn't twisted. My thoughts are to cut the stringers down to good wood and foam over everything with CLOSED CELL FOAM. I will re do the center Stringer with 2 layers of 3/4 laminated plywood this would mean The Stringers as a system would be about 70% and rot free. Hoping that the Closed cell foam would keep the boat sound.