Re: Barkely Sound


Well-Known Member
- Last year the Great Central Lake sockeye stock return was very low, with a total run size of less than 60,000 and an adult escapement of less than 40,000 back to the lake. Therefore the most important goal we are working towards for the 2019 season is to make sure that enough sockeye escape to Great Central Lake so we don't have two years in a row of missing brood stock. Because ages 4 and 5 both contribute some to the return, and because we fish Sprout and GCL together, we can probably weather the one year of missing escapement, but if we have two low GCL years in a row, it will fundamentally change how the Somass fishery is managed for many cycles to come.

Given this concern, if the test boat shows a very low concentration of Great Central fish in the first week of testing (less than 20 percent) all fisheries will be cancelled.

The preseason run size for Alberni Chinook is 130,000. This is a good forecast, but some caution, it is nearly all weighted to 4 year old fish (+80%). Last year there was a large component of 3 year old fish, and that is what they are using to predict a large 4 year old return this year. If there is a problem with that one age class, the run size will drop dramatically, because there are virtually no 3 year olds or 5 year olds in the forecast this year. Therefore the forecast is not as robust or resilient as it would be if the number was coming from a good mixture of year 3,4,5,6 fish.

no official run size, hatchery production remains constant, with around 200,000 releases and a survival rate of around 4-5 percent.

No official run size yet. Brood year escapements in Barkley Sound were low. I don't expect a good forecast when it comes out.

Round Table Summary from 17 April.

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Subject: FN0390-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Sockeye - Area 23 - Barkley Sound, Alberni Inlet, and the Tidal Portion of the Somass River - Opening May 1, 2019
Effective 00:01 hours May 1, 2019 until further notice the daily quota for the
tidal recreational fishery for sockeye salmon will be two (2) sockeye per day
in the following area:
that portion of Subareas 23-1 to 23-11 from a line in Alberni Harbour near the
mouth of the Somass River beginning at a boundary sign Located at 49 degrees
14.190 north latitude and 124 degrees 50.230 west longitude then through the
southernmost point of Hoik Island then to the flashing green light at the mouth
of the Somass River then due east to a boundary sign on the opposite shore then
Seaward to the surfline (Cape Beale to Amphitrite Point) except for the
following closed area;
The area known as Uchucklesit Inlet will close to angling for all finfish -
effective 00:01 hours June 30 until 23:59 hours October 31, 2019 this includes
that portion of Subarea 23-3 northwest of a line between boundary signs at
Brooksby Point and Burrough Point.
Effective daily from 06:00 hours to 22:00 hours from May 1 until July 23, 2019
the daily quota for sockeye salmon shall be two (2) per day in the following
The tidal portion of the Somass River described as that portion of Subarea 23-1
from the tidal boundary signs at Paper Mill Dam on the Somass River downstream
to a line commencing at a boundary sign in upper Alberni Harbour situated at 49
degrees 14.19 north latitude and 124 degrees 50.23 west longitude then through
the southernmost point of Hoik Island then to the flashing green light at the
mouth of the Somass River, then due east to a boundary sign on the opposite
shore except for the following closed area;
The area known as Paper Mill Dam Pool will remain closed to angling for all
finfish. It Includes that portion of 23-1 in the Somass River from signs
located near the bottom of the rapids immediately north of Papermill Dam Pool,
then downstream to boundary signs located on both sides of the Somass River
approximately 60 metres downstream from the northern tip of the unnamed island
directly below Paper Mill Dam Pool.
Variation Order # 2019-RFQ-240
On April 16, 2019 Department staff met with the Area 23 Harvest Committee to
discuss fishery planning for Area 23 Somass Sockeye. The attendees at this
meeting were representatives from the Tseshaht, Hupacasath and Maa-nulth First
Nations and stakeholders from the commercial gill net and seine fishery, and
the Alberni Valley Sport Fishing Advisory Committee.

The pre-season forecast for Somass sockeye is 350,000. This will be monitored
in season and restrictions may be implemented on short notice to protect
migrating sockeye. At the meeting the Area 23 Harvest Committee recommended
opening the tidal recreational sockeye fishery with a reduced limit. Further
opportunities or restrictions will be determined at the weekly Harvest
Committee meetings which start May 30.
The Somass Sockeye in-season stock assessment program will be in place in 2019.
This program collects escapement, test fishing, catch and environmental
information on a weekly basis. This information is collected and a reforecast
will be made weekly every Thursday for the duration of the season. This may
lead to further recreational sockeye opportunities if conditions warrant.
Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal waters of British
The term "marked" means a hatchery fish that has a healed scar in place of the
adipose fin.
Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery
program by labelling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped Chinook and
Coho salmon. Recovery of coded wire tags provides critical information for
coast-wide stock assessment. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program
toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information.
Anglers are advised to check for fishing closures
and other recreational fishing information.
Tidal Water Sport Fishing Licences can be purchased via any computer connected
to the internet at
or by using Google search key words “Recfish Licence”.
Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation? If so, please call
the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line
at (800) 465-4336.
For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at
Contact the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Port Alberni office at 250-720-4440 or
visit our website at
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0390
Sent April 29, 2019 at 14:16
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