Question about autopilots

Has anyone tried to use a sailboat tiller autopilot for a trolling motor. Specifically the Raymarine st1000
($400) at West Marine??????

Thanks for your responses.
how about an autopilot on your main engine(s) and using them as your rudder with your kicker. i absolutely love my autopilot, gets me from a to b in a straight line no matter the current or wind.
I have a Com-Nav 1420 on my hydraulics. If anyone made a linear follower for outboards that was reliable (not suck water inside) it would be awesome. When it works it can steer straighter than a person can, especially in the wind. I went through 3 followers during the 3 year warranty period, then I had to spend $400 to buy the next one. It lasted 4 months and I haven't used it since. 15 years ago now.
Dont mess around.
Talk to Todd at Portland Marine Electronics and get a TR-1 for your trolling motor. You will not be dissapointed!
Well I know of a charter guy who has many TR1 and now they are made from garmin and there warrenty sucks .his is always breaking down he just continully switches it out, maybe good for the odd trip but not fro what we do...
