Queen Charlotte Vs vancouver island

  • Thread starter Thread starter saltybeaver
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I was just wondering if anybody knows if the charlottes river systems are having the same results as are rivers in low returns (coho Sockeye steelhead)?
My guess is they have great returns so what is the problem with are rivers ? more people fishing the rivers ?netting?
"A good source told me today...over 1700 coho,(1500 in 1 hr) and 8 more large springs thru San Juan river fish counting fence today
I'll give it another try on sat.. They can finally taste the fresh water"

Check page 3 of the sooke report
A really good source has told me that escapements to the North Coast, particularly the Skeena system are pretty much average for this year for Coho & Springs and maybe a little below average for Steelhead. Steelhead escapements can be pretty closely tied to in river gillnetting and some think this may be the cause of the downturn.

FYI Beaver, the Charlottes don't really have any massive salmon producers, the only Chinook producing river is the Yakoun with less than 10,000 fish on a good year, and a couple of decent Coho producers like Pallant Creek which is enhanced. There are some very good smaller systems to fish for both Coho & Steelhead, but in terms of the Charlottes offering a barometer of sorts with regards to salmon populations down here (if thats what you're getting at)you'd be better off looking at the North Coast & Skeena. Even then, there seems to be some kind of break in the Central Coast with regards to Coho numbers, (used to be Cape Caution, but will move North of Rivers Inlet this year:() as well as a West Coast vs Georgia Straight break - nothing is simple unfortunately.

The good news is that even with the slower than average fishing along the top end of the Charlottes this summer, the fish did make it into the river (at least the North Coast fish, anyway.)
