Quamichan lake duncan bc


Well-Known Member
Hey there just wondering if any one has fished this lake recently and can tell me where to fish and what kind of tackle works good as I might go there and troll tomorrow maybe for my first time
Had luck last year trolling small Dick Nite spoons and 3" Tomic plugs. The cuttys in that lake get fat on all the sticklebacks in there,so anything small and silver should work.Think it may still be a bit early as we just had that
snowfall and the lake is quite cold yet.Once it warms up a bit though,fishing will be good.Not uncommon to have
double digit days when the fish are active.
was out there today didn't catch anything no bites either and got a pic of I55 that I have not clue on how to post from my phone
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trolling to fast in that pic, at this time of year they want it slow and drug right on bottom. Skip the downrigger. Try just a large wedding band(I used to used yellow green and orange) with a worm and a half ounce egg sinker 3 ft up the lineheld there by a swivel. Then bottom bounce that down the middle of the lake in 25+ feet of water as slow as you can go with the blade of the wedding band still spinning. If not that then a stickleback fly or big maroon/burgandy bunny leeech trolled on a type 6 with all the line out would have had you into a good number of cutties at the far end of the lake.

i tried everything possible, I trryed trolling wedding bands with just a weight I tried fly fishing I tried bottom fishing, not one bite all day haha

Maybe just the new weather pattern and the tail end of the big rain storm. Might have had them tight lipped.
