Puntledge River Electric Fence/ Seal Cull?


Well-Known Member
Most of you are probably aware of need to have a seal cull in this river. There are 20 - 30 seals that now reside in the river feeding on Juvenile and mature salmon and steelhead.

DFO is now going to spend 35,000 $$ on a electic fence. If it works it will just move the seals a little further down the river away from bridge lights, and they can do there feeding there.

If you would like to voice your opinion below is the email addy and ph# of the person to contact.

Bruce Adkins
Area Chief
Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement South Coast Area
Ph 250-756-7261
Cell 250 714-9141
Fax 250-756-7349

Email: AdkinsBr@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Wouldn't two boxes of rifle shells be cheaper??;)

So the seals are now going to catch the fish without "candlelight" for their dinner?
quote:Originally posted by Pippen

Wouldn't two boxes of rifle shells be cheaper??;)

So the seals are now going to catch the fish without "candlelight" for their dinner?
Didn't there used to be a rifleman who had a contract on those vermin?
I laughed out loud.

Yet another classic example of a cost-effective government "solution" to a problem.

Still laughing...... might still be laughing when I wake up tomorrow morning....

Anyone want to make bets on the impact the electic field of the fence will have on either the fry or the migrating fish which are known to be highly sensitive to magnetic fields???

Ooooppps we better earmark another $50K to study that...
Isnt Bruce the one that stated returns improved after the cull a decade ago?

Why dont we find the two kids that were shooting seals from a tin boat at Cape Lazo a couple of years ago. I am sure between all the sporties in the area, we could keep chipping in to pay their fines, with a little left over for a tip for the lads....
And it even made the Vancouver tv news tonight, although they were mostly covering what a fine job the marine curator, or whatever you call him, did in setting up the testing in the seal tank at the Vancouver Aquarium. Nice to know that the current to be introduced in the river won't hurt the cute little seals. And it may protect the little fingerlings trying bravely to make their way to the big bad ocean. Well, it wasn't said, but I expect the little fingerlings will make it at least another 20 feet towards the bay, past the electrical grid, before the seals get them.
I wonder if this will be equally effective at protecting returning spawners?
