Puntledge/Courtenay River opening


We've been waiting all week for the Variation Order to get prepared, approved, signed and posted and finally late this after noon we have it.

See below for my notice. (We've posted by the old rod and gun club, Puntledge park, Cessford Road and Condensary Bridge

Bryce Gillard
Fishery Officer Comox

Puntledge/Courtenay River Salmon Possession - 2012

Effective 0001 hrs October 19, 2012 until 2359 hrs November 30, 2012 The daily limit of chum salmon is two (2) in the Puntledge & Courtenay River downstream from a boundary marker located 75m downstream of the Puntledge River hatchery counting fence. Minimum size limit of 30 cm.

Effective 0001 hrs October 19, 2012 the daily limit of Chinook salmon in the Punteldge & Courtenay Rivers is zero (0).

Effective 0001 hrs October 19, 2012, the daily limit of unmarked or marked (adipose fin clipped)coho salmon in the Puntledge & Courtenay Rivers is zero (0).
Coho –Assessments will continue & opportunity for a retention will be provided if escapement allows.

The Puntledge River, between signs located 100m upstream and downstream of the confluences with Morrison Creek, and 75m downstream of the Puntledge Hatchery fence, is closed to fishing.

A reminder to anglers, single barbless hooks are required in Region 1 and you must hold a fresh water angling licence to recreational fishing in the fresh waters of British Columbia

Report all violations 24 hours per day to
I forgot to mention:

As of this week, only 2900 fall chinook and 3200 coho in the system. The hatchery will assess the system frequently. If the coho numbers improve, we may have an opening, but at this point, the numbers aren't good.

Bryce Gillard
Fishery Officer,
prolly best to leave it again for another year and let them make more for the future years
Excellent year for chum.
Heard there was 12,000 in the river right now.
A reminder to anglers, single barbless hooks are required in Region 1 and you must hold a fresh water angling licence to recreational fishing in the fresh waters of British Columbia

And remember that a freshwater salmon stamp is required if you plan on keeping a salmon (chum)