Puerto Vallarta

Looks like we’re all set fishing an 8 hr day on the Marla IV next Saturday .

have been in talks with my fishing pals after looking at their long range boat “ no tuna no chinga “ , most likely will be making a multi day over night trip this year to look for that 200 plus pound cow that’s evaded us all these years
Hell yeah! Danny will make you wish that fish wasn’t so damned big. LOL!

Look forward to your report
Depends on how far you want to travel from your hotel. We usually stay along the Nuevo stretch. We have a condo rented at the Dreams Villamagna resort for a couple of weeks in February. From there, It is 5 minutes by taxi to the Nuevo marina. At some point in the trip we just walk down there (20 min's) and arange the trip directly with the guides on the wharf. Generaly, we are looking for about a 24' Panga which unless you are going way off shore, is just fine. I would shy away from making arrangements with the beach vendors. Don't forget to post who you went out with and how you did.
Excellent resort and excellent advice. That’s what we did too.