If they could ignore what Morton was saying why the hell would they listen to this uneducated person?
Morton should have received an award for the decade of warning about fish farms, instead I don't hear anything about her. And SHE WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG.
What ever happened to that criminal that was the BC vet that kept on saying there was no virus escapement all the while being paid by the fish farms? Why no charges? Not until they confirmed it was already in the streams. Then he is allowed to disappear?
Politics, I seem to remember the Dixon Straight thing where the Canadian government gave up claims for an extra 1/2 mile for cod fishing back east. And then promptly had to close all cod fishing. And then brought out some bottom draggers to the west coast from back east.
Ever see a MP charged or convicted of a crime? MLAs as well? That MP White used to go out fishing illegally every year and was never taken to court or charged. He wanted them to take him to court and they wouldn't. That other MP confessed to stealing a watch and they tried real hard not to get him to court either.
In Canada we elect Kings and Queens, never get blamed for anything the do regardless of legality.
End of RANT