Proposed dam on the Kettle River - HELP

  • Thread starter Thread starter rdurand
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I am trying to raise awareness about the proposed dam on the Kettle River, near Christina Lake. Please read through the information below, and if interested, send in a letter to help oppose the dam. The public comment period ends on Feb 16th, so please send in letters now!

Since the environmental assessment of the proposal began, over 90% of the comments submitted to the BC government have strongly opposed the project, and over 1,100 people from throughout the world have signed petitions against the project. In addition, various organisations (such as the Columbia Canoe Club, the Recreational Canoeing Association of British Columbia, the Granby Wilderness Society, and the US based Kettle Range Conservation Group, and Lands Council, and many more) that represent several thousand members have spoken out against this project. All for the First Nations groups that have participated in the assessment have also opposed it.

Please help us end this project once and for all. Send a letter to the address below, and circulate this email to everyone you know who may be interested. You can also go to my website at: and use the form to automatically send in a letter.

Thank you,

Ryan Durand
Christina Lake, BC

Comments can be sent to:

Derek Griffin
BC Environmental Assessment Office
PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V1

Thank you for helping oppose this project!