Premature release (Scotty clips)


Active Member
Lately I have been getting a lot of premature scotty clips releases. Probably has something to do with currents. Nevertheless, quite annoying. I have replaced the pads and even the clips to no avail. I have tried roughing up the surface and even filing the pads a bit.

If anyone out there has a solution, I would appreciate hearing from you either on this board or by PM
I carry a can of brake cleaner spray on the boat. When they start slipping, pinch the pads apart and spray them down liberally then run a towel through the pads. Works great and gets all the oils, scent etc. off the pads and they will hold like new.
What brand of mainline are you using?

I find that certain brands will "pop the clip" pretty easily....

So I'll give a thumbs up for Maxima Ultragreen in this regard........."popping" is not a problem with this brand.

You can take a rag and put some Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol on it and wipe between the yellow clips...that helps ..gets it nice and clean.

Make sure you have clip set on "strong"...."weaker" setting will pop pretty easy down deep. (especially if you're running flashers).

In the past I've run 300 grit paper through the yellow pads at times once or twice lightly......this sometimes works but not always.....

Try to clip your main where you haven't touched it at all.....sometimes greasy thumbs and fingers will be enough to make it "pop" where you clipped it.

and...sometimes the clips just get old and lose there can replace the pads.......but might as well just buy the whole new clip.
The clips also have a firmer release setting, try pushing the clip to the rear, much harder
to get the line to release. Get your clip out of your tackle box and see how it can adjust!
Hope this helps. ......BB
One on left is the "weaker" setting

One on right is the 'stronger" setting.......

Check them before you lower your they can sometimes get knocked around and change settings......

Which is why I file the outer edges down ( like the one on the left...the right one I haven't filed yet) the connector cord doesn't pull on them side to side too much....

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I have been going thru so many my self this year. I am getting tired of it.

I have tried cleaning. I have tried replacing clip tips.

Some guys remove that two setting thingy and install a large bead. It seems to help out for awhile.
On a downrigger vid I once watched they said you should have minimum 8lbs pull on the line in clip (with a tester) before it releases....

I tried the bead thing once years back.......I wasn't impressed .
I don't know about anybody else.......but this how far back I always put my line in the clip........

small fish will often not even pop the clip this far back.......

but I always put it far back anyway......

I used the exact same ones they had in the video.....(don't ask me to link was about 8 years ago I watched it)....
Well if I showed you a video of a guy giving me a handful of cash that came with a an opportunity to catch a big fish this year would you follow suite? LOL :)

Not every thing shown on video works :) well it might in the case of you giving me money.
Just spent a week in Telegragh Cove and had bought a new to me MR2 on the way up there. It was spun with new 30# line (the bright lime green One ) and I had nothing but grreif trying to keep it in the clip. 3rd day I respooled with maxima ultra green and no more problems. The othe r line while new was very soft and suptle and may have had something to do with it.
FA.........using the bead, the pressure was satisfactory to keep the clip pretty tight and non-slip.......

the downside was that the bead would come out of the end pretty matter how it was configured.......

They used to make these clips where you could "dial in " the resistance with a screw setup.

I've never tried those myself though......

Before I started using the present-day Scotty's..........I used to use those black plastic clips with the springs in them......they were terrible, always "popping" when you didn't want them to.....
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I use P-Line. Do have clip set back. Will try the rubbing alcohol.
if im fishing really deep, I will take an elstic band and wrap the business end. Makes it impossible to pop by hand, but if a fish pops it, you know its a large, plus the hook is usually nicely set.
Does anyone still use the old style scotty snapper release clips? I know they still sell them. I know I have to burry my line in the yellow padded ones about as deep as they go and don't usually have any prem release problems. I still have a few of the old snapper clips and I barely have to put the line in halfway to hold it.
One time I thought it would be a good idea to spry my lines with silicone spray. Well this was a very bad idea. It took a couple of days and a couple of sets of clips to figure out what was wrong. I could not get any clips to hold the line in. Had to buy new lines. A crewel trick I played on myself.

I put the scotty clips in the stiff position and fill the space with hot glue so you never have to check them. They are stuck in that position.
If you have any thing on your hands, including sunscreen, fish scent (the kind in a bottle), suntan lotion and the like and you touch your line or the yellow pads, it will release with hardly any pressure. It is also very hard to remove.
Very true on the water resistant sun screen lotion. It is a ***** for soft releases once it transfers from your hands to the line and then gets on the yellow pads.