Prawns - I learned something today...

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Most of you more than likely aready know this - but I was told a number of years ago that prawns spawn more than once a year, well obviosly my good friend was full of it. It sure is funny how easy it is to suckered into believing what people who are close to you, tell you.

So after talking with a good customer today - I started to second guess myself and decided to look it up...ya know what?? I was wrong - now that is funny to me because I am sure he was laughing to himself as I told him about the commercial fishery and how they determned a closeur. Hahaha - please laugh, because I sure am.

Anyway - like I always say, if you can't laugh at yourself, then what is the point in laughing at others... LOL I am such an idiot! LOL ;):D

Generalized life cycle of the prawn: Prawn are potandrous hermaphrodites, spending the early part of life cycle as males and the later part as females. Breeding occurs in the fall and is usually complete by the end of October. Females lay eggs which remain attached to abdominal appendages until hatching in March and April, usually between 70-90 m water depth. Free-swimming larvae or nauplii spend 2-3 months in plankton. Late and post-larvae remain in shallow water (less than 54 m) until winter months. Prawn reside in shallow water bays and inlets during first year because detritus from summer plankton and larger algae production supports amphipods and mysids which are preyed upon by young prawns. One year after hatching, at about 100 mm, prawns move to deeper (over 100 m) and by autumn males reach 150 mm. In fourth spring, at 200 mm, they change to females. Maximum life span is 5 years, but most live 4 years, and maximum length for males is 230 mm and 253 mm for females.
Hey RVP I was scratching my head a little bit. I was the customer today. I was scratching my head a bit. Doesnt make you an idiot. Been there a time or two myself. Too bad the tasty critters didnt spawn twice a year. I find it difficult to throw the females back the eggs are kind of tasty too.