Prawning question

Hi guys, back to the ling cod morphing, upon further info the ling cod we love to eat do not change sex. There are how ever many spieces which do when the females vanish from an area.
RobTufnail, This all makes sense now. When building buildings in the Capital Hill area in Seattle and I think they change sexes too when the females leave. Hmmm.......Interesting concept.

As far as lingcod, when the female lays the eggs, the smaller male stays behind to guard them. They usually head for shallower water to lay them. I guess they look like a white basketball sized mass.

We have a problem with the tribes down here with the spot prawns. BC waits for them to hatch their eggs before commercially trapping them. The Tribes in Washington take this as an opportunity to beat BC to the market. Pretty sad. Wish the buyers would reject shrimp with eggs on them.The old commercial with the indian with the tear running down his cheek would certainly apply here today if they could see what their offspring are doing to the resource.
Hey Fishinnut show them the pic of your biggest spot prawn[:p] I use it on my wallpaper...[:0] LoL
Holy cow put on the steak and get me a knife and fork im ready LOL

Yup that's the pic ...Gotta love it[:X].... Keep it up it gives us
old timers a reason to go and try.[:p]..LOL..
What do ya use for bait??[?][:o)] I know you won't tell us where.
We use halibut for bait! This picture I did as a joke. Last year I was put in charge of the Sportsmen's shows and Seattle Boat Show Booth for the Puget Sound Anglers for all 16 chapters. Friends said you have to use that shrimp picture on the new booth. It has become the biggest draw. 8 out of 10 people think it is real, including grown ups. I ran the booth yesterday and was amazed hom many people stopped to ask where it was caught.