prawn rope storage?

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My wife and I were out mon.( the weather finally broke) for some prawning.We didn't do to bad, 2hr soak, 6 traps 160+ prawns. we usually use buckets to put the rope into as we pull it in. Thought I'd check to see how others do it.

Rubbermaid totes with holes drilled in the bottoms. Allows them to be stacked in the boat.
I am the same. Rubbermaid tote about 16 inch high holds 500 feet of 3/8 rope easily. I also like the round traps as they stack nicely as well. Now I just need to find a motor for my puller and I'll be all set.
I use the round ladner traps too, what do you think of putting the rope in the bottom of the trap,then put it on the top of the stack. Has any one tried it/

I usually just neatly coil the rope up in the bottom of each trap and then stack them up. Then to set them you just drop the whole works over the side and watch the leadline uncoil as the trap sinks. Havn't floated one yet !!!
Contact wOLF OFF this board for the top quality info.He's a veteran guide not some newb wannabe !!!!

Just Bring it!
Vinne stiring it up again LOL LOL when are we going sledding im ready new waders and everything !!!!!!!!

Now as for what the board is asking I put the rope right in the trap as maddog said but I use a commercial snap on my float end when I coil up my rope I undo the float and snap the snap on to the trap and put the float off to the side somewhere out of the way.
Repeat the whole step with all the traps so your left with 4 traps all coiled up and stacked and then put all the floats in the top ready for next time another thing to do is also number your floats and so you know which ones you put down.

Good luck Wolf

Edited by - wolf on 01/03/2006 16:28:35

Edited by - wolf on 01/03/2006 16:29:02
Wolf, are you using one line one float per trap?

I use the 5/16 weighted trap lines and spliced large enough eyes in each end of my lines to push the loopend threw the eye of my Scotchman and then Scotchman threw the loop and no knot required.I also sliced tagmarks in my lines to mark 100' and that is where I put my second trap on a string to spread them out a bit.I also coil my lines in my traps. The only issue is when you bring in the first string you have to double handle the line. Coil it onto the deck and then back into the trap.Reverse is true with setting the last string.(Unless you throw the Scotchman over first I don't recommend this.It can get dangerous and you also can miss your depth!)I have tried other methods but with a line hauler this seems to be the easiest and takes up the least space. Pretty crowded till the the gear is soaking. Having line storage buckets or milk crates just takes space when the gear is in the water and fighting big Springs!

Edited by - kronic_fisherguy on 01/03/2006 17:02:15
No I put 2 traps on each rope with a system I have designed if you "tag" up your traps just a bit of advice use floating line for your other trap 50 to 100 ft will do because I learned the hard way of not using that type of rope once was enough for me.LOL.

Good luck Wolf

Edited by - wolf on 01/03/2006 17:02:20
Wolf, At the risk of sounding like a newb wannabe, what do you mean by "tag your traps"

Putting 2 traps on one line. I use the big commercial snaps to "Tag" my secondary trap to my main line.

Good luck Wolf
I use a samll plastic drum,Get some dowling for a handle.I hold 700ft.for 2 pots.

thanks the runt
Thanks wolf, that's the way I've been running mine, Ive marked the line at 50' for the 2nd trap, works

While on the topic of line...I plan to use 2 traps on one line..Should I use weighted(sinking) line between my 2 traps and the rest floating line??
I was planning on buying 400 feet of line but after reading this would I be better with more?
I use 400' lines marked at 50' from each end floating line,so I can use either end depending on what end goes into the pail or trap first.An old timer told me " ever notice how the trap that has the line going to the scotty usually has fewer prawns in it?" I started to watch it and he was right especially if the wind was up. He said the reason was because the trap was moving too much and spooked the prawns. His remedy was to use 3# weight on the line about 10-20'up the line so the scotty would play on the weight not the trap. I've been useing his advice... works. I also use 6-8oz weights that I have zap strapped to small snubber clips that I clip on to the line about 3 quarters the way up to keep the line off the surface.

Carol other way around you dont want the sinking line on the bottom of the ocean it WILL hang up
