Prawn line, how long?

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Butt Ugly

A buddy dropped off some commercial prawn traps, and a whack of prawn line. I need to know what is the common length of line that I should cut it down to. I want to cut 2 pieces so I can have 2 traps on each line. My guess is about 400', but since I know nothing at this point, I'm throwing the question out to you guys.

I'll have many more questions when it comes to where and how deep when I go to give it a try.

It depends on where you are going to prawn & how deep eg. Saanich Inlet, Alberni Canel, Nootka Sound. For the inlet 300 ft. is good, for Alberni and Nootka 380 to 400 ft. for two traps on one rope. I have mine at 400 ft then I am flexible to where I prawn . Good luck !Frayedknot.
Albern inlet could go even deeper Friend was fishing 450' and getting limit in 2 traps one pull Wish he would tell me the spot:D smart friend!! Course my pop fishes 180' in comox area and does good.. like you say pends on location
I guess that would make a difference, and I hadn't thought about that part yet. No idea where I'll drop them . I think I should wander over and talk to an oldtimer neighbor who I know goes out prawning. Maybe he'll pass on some of his spots and recommendations.

my prawn lines are 600', this is so i can have my two traps 100' apart and leaves enough scope so the traps do not drift or the floats get pulled under with the current.
I also prawn in about 400' of water.
You kinda need to know the area your going to fish....

In our area we prawn 300-400' so I have 500' of line with one trap at the end, on trap 60' back leaving me a 40' "oops" buffer. I'd say 500-600 feet would be good as a general rule but if the area you are going to prawn runs 250-300 your going to need a lot of line wieghts and waste a lot of pulling time...
Scope should be approx 20% of the dept you fish. I prawn Sannich Inlet at around 250 ft + 20 % = 300 ft + distance between traps is around 80 ft so I have 400 ft max. Make sure you weigh you rope from bouy to first trap, if it's floating line use a couple of clip on 10 oz weights. I hate it when guys set their traps next to mine with lots of scope and little weight; ends up tangling with other traps. I can see if they set next to a commercial guy then say goodbye to your traps.
Or if you build a winch driven prawn puller you can use concrete cinder block 20' up from your first trap as well as a line wieght, it seems to cut down on the number of times other sporties pull your traps. Somebody REALLY has to want your prawns to manually pull up a cinder block and your traps from 400' cause a standard electric puller isn't going to lift them :D
All good info. Every little bit helps.

I was just over to my neighbours house. He's an oldtimer in his eighties, and has prawned around my area for years. I had called him and asked if he'd be willing to offer some advice and maybe pass on some of his knowledge to the next generation, and he said come on over.

I brought my charts of the area, a pencil and pad, and we had a great chat about prawning. He showed me the sweet spots where he has set his traps for years, what depths to look for, and what baits he's found best. I am truly appreciative of his willingness to share this with me.

As I was getting ready to leave, he said to me, it would be best if he came out with me in the boat, then he could show me exactly where to drop them. I'll definately take him up on his offer! And due to his recent health issues, (he hasn't set his traps since february), I had offered to not only take him with me, but we would pack up his traps as well. Probably the least I could do to return the favour.

Anyways, his magic depth for the areas here is 320-330'. My guess for the line length with 2 traps should be somewhere about 420' long. Sound about right to you guys?
I set my traps in 260-310, most of the time I set my traps no more than 50' appart unless I'm in shallower water. I use 400' lines, seems to be fine for where I prawn.