Prawn Bait

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Anyone ever tried salmon roe for prawn bait? I would think that if you grunched it up a bit and froze it in blocks then added it to the bait jar just before sinking the trap, it'd work great? Should be lots of roe available this time of year.

had the best pull up ever with 60+ in one trap and my bait was a mix-- Prawn pellets, 2 salmon spines, and catfood. It was the last time of dropping it before going back home so we just put it all in. Also cought 6 crab( Kept the Best 4 ) in one pull up. This all was all up at Pender.

It was a good weekend
Used that one year up @ Bella Bella mixed with a bunch of other stuff seemed to work well enough it's got lotsa oil for sure.

I prefer to make Caviar with mine though-tastes better than Prawns!
Actually, I've been soaking my prawn (fish) pellets in the stinky cod liver oil that I once had to take as a kid [xx(] I don't know if it has helped attract the little critters but it has not repelled them either.

I hope to get a bucket full of roe from all the chum I'm going to catch during the BB Chum derby:D See you all there!

i`ve tried roe , but just plain prawn pellets work just as good , sometimes mixed with cat food. scottyboy
is it true that prawn are like ants and follow each other in a line ??? sometimes good pulls some not so good .scottyboy
An awesome prawn attractent is "Carlyle" cat food, ( the wet stuff) it is dirt cheap and I have tried other cat food and none work as well! Usually we rip the bottom half foot of the bottom of a pair of nylons ( womens legging things) and fill it with prawn pellets and put a can of Carlyle in the trap also( poke holes in the cat food tin), and its always worked awesome! Also if you get a tuna fish and put it in the is real oily and the prawns seem to love it...If there are prawns and you use all of the will get lots!:DAlso I noticed prawns prefer gravelly bottoms...mud bottoms they don't seem to like as much.Does anyone know a good spot to prawn on the west coast? Or is it generally good everywhere out there?Ive only prawned in the inside waters.
Yes and try a search....;)..upper rh corner for 'prawn bait'.....there is 5 pages of good info[8)]mmmmmgood fyi..I use prawn catcher pellets and fish pellets 3mm,tuna cat food tins punched w/holes ,salmon/cod/hali spines[^]
Roe is a deadly addition to your prawn bait!
We mix it in with Ace of Baits pellets, add a touch of the same brand of fish oil, and a cup of roe. Bingo! Been doing this for years with grand success.

I've tried lots of different baits, the best I have found is Tuna.. like has been suggested or just as good and more easily available, Ling Cod head, spine. Some hauls of 5 pnds per trap w/ either!