pouring lead

tubbed out

Active Member
lost my first cannon ball last week , didnt have a spare ,,, looking to start pouring my own , I have the lead , a 12 lb mould .. Would a camp stove heat it up . What kind of pot should I use ??? Cast iron ?? any dangers I should worry about

Gary I know your reading this
I made a quick oven out of old bricks just stacked together, put a big cast iron melting pot on top and shoved a roofers blow torch under it connected to my barbeque tank. Works great. Get a good respriator though as lead fumes are toxic.
Camp stove will melt it but it takes longer to melt but does the job, yes a heavy stainless or cast iron pot, use a long handle lathe. Pouring led is VERY toxic! do not breath the fumes what so ever! I have heard stories of men who worked with led all there lives and have all died early with led related toxins.. if you don't pour led very often and use caution you should be fine. Do not melt led in side or in your shed.. out side! will lots of air down wind... where gloves, cover all exposed skin. After pour led, take all your cloths off and put them in the wash! and go straight to the shower. When you have a pot of molten led and adding more led to the pot, DO NOT add led that is wet!! The wet piece of led is now in the middle of the molten led, the water evaporates in the led and causes an explosion! and molten led will explode in a 10' radius!! Very dangerous.. happened to me... burnt all my cloths.. was luck I wasn't hurt. There's an excellent internet link that explains all the cautions you need to take for pouring led.. I will try to find it and post it here. When led is in a molten state it is far more toxic than in its solid state. Led vapor from melting led will travel in the air and settle to the ground in your garden and lawn poisoning your own yard... I used to pour my own led.. after learning of the risk to your health.. I gave it up.. For a few canon balls that I use, I go buy them.
Your 1'st. approach should be to take steps to help not loose your canon balls so you don't have to buy or pour new ones! Loosing a conon ball is all most all ways caused by fisherman error.
-All ways keep your wire line new and in good shape, should replace it every year
-If frays occur in the line which they will, matter of time... re crimp using (2-3 crimps) proper wire sleeves to support the line, not recommended to crimp the wire line directly to a swivel..
-Use rubber snubbers between your ball and your wire line, acts as a shock absorber saves your wire line.
-DO NOT use those plastic Scotty clips for canon balls! Especially if you 12lb.-14-lb. canon balls, the Plastic Scotty clips are not strong enough.. Use a large stainless (Sanpo) clip or a large stainless line quick release to attached to your canon ball..
-Use 2-3 Scotty line stoppers in a row so that they don't slip and your ball doesn't slam into the top of your Scotty electric causing your ball to snap off or cause stress fatigue in your crimps and wire.. enough fatigue build up.. snap.. bye bye...

Scotty wire line I am finding does not last long, all ways tend to eventually fray, especially using heavier canon balls... Does any one use commercial grade stainless wire heavier than Scotty wire?? I am thinking of re spooling all my riggers with heavier wire line... yes you run the risk if you snag bottom... either way not to happy with Scotty wire line.. Iv used it for years, and have good success with it, I very seldom loose canon balls, however it does fray, I know there is better out there..... What does other people use?? Would like to hear..

For a few bucks it is not worth it, been there done that, the risk benifit ratio with lead is to high. The Rock has outlined it well.

Tight lines
If you are snagging bottom and getting your downrigger ripped off your boat than I would say you need to reset your brake to give a little?
Hey Mongoose,

where I can buy Seven Strand or Angler downrigger line you recomend?
Hi,i pour a lot of lead,I use a elctric hot plate,it melts fast.Just do it outside,stay up wind.It's not a big deal.I tried that mason wire,;) 3rd time out as i was lowering it snapped off.If i lose one it is because i wasn't paying att. or trying a new spot.good luck
well decided it was to much of a pain to pour ,,,, hit Swap and Shop this am , got 2 10 lb balls 15.00 for both , they look pretty good .. wanted 12 lbers but couldent pass these up