Post A Christmas Pic and Win a SFBC Crew Membership!


Staff member
With Santa warming up the Reindeer and packing up his gift bag, we are honouring the spirit of giving at Christmas by offering everyone a chance to win a one year membership in our Crew Member program! Of course, we are going to make you work for it a little bit. Again, in the spirit of the season, we want you to share your favourite Christmas related story or photos to enter your name in the draw which will take place on New Year's Day. If your content is fishing related, all the better!

I'll kick it off with a great Boxing Day spent skating outdoors on Vancouver Island a few year's back. Reminded me of many childhood days playing shinny outdoors growing up in Manitoba!

Bit of a back story, when my wife and I moved to the Okanagan we bought 10 acres and a Log Home half way up the Ski hill outside of Oliver. It was tradition when we lived at the coast to go into The Bog and shoot down our Christmas trees with our 12ga duck guns, IMG_20141221_123342.jpg(another long backstory) anyway our first Xmas in the Okanagan we jumped on our Quads and went to the back of our property and I decided to shoot it down with my 410 snakeslayer. It took 4 shots but first Xmas tree in the new home had met its demize.
My wife and I carry on a Christmas Tradition that my late wife and I began in 1989 that we call "Orphan's" Christmas.

This tradition began on Christmas Day 1989 when I was a Volunteer on the Whistler Mountain Ski Patrol and we discovered that a lot of folks didn't have friends or family close by to join for dinner on the 25th.

Dinner has evolved over the years but a delcious Turducken from Armando's on Granville Island has become a decades long tradition.This year we have 7 or 8 friends and family joining us. Our lagest OC had 15 people around the tables (Including one Card table)

To the best of my recollection there have only been 7 years when the Orphan's Christmas didn't happen and 4of those years were because my late wife was in long term care.

For the last 20 years Orphan's Christmas has been dry just like me. 😀

Kaito (my buddy from the Ski Patrol) has the most seniority with near perfect attendence .

Dinner has evolved over the years but Turducken from Armando's has become a decades long tradition.

This year we have 9 perhaps 10 friends and family joining us.
We have our Christmas family walk, in Courtenay we would do it on the "farm" down to the Tsolem River. Nana is 96 years old this year, still living on the farm where she and her husband Dave raised Holsteins and Hayed every year. Dave passed away 4 years ago and lived well. A month before passing away, told me the story of his 43lb salmon, which according to the Power River newspaper was actually 46lb on a handline... but I'm off topic. Farmer/Realtor/Grandfather to 20+ a life well lived.

This year my kids didn't want to go on our Saanich walk, so I headed out on my bike to look for Salmon in Colquitz Creek. Found a dozen and made a little video.

Kids were at home driving momma up the wall, until I got the kids convinced to go for a bike ride and momma and I pushed the stroller, as our 4 year old likes biking half way. Always seems to be a bit of sunshine and lots of cheer on Christmas day walks. Looking forward to Christmas day salmon hunting with the kids going forward as they get older. Blessed to live in BC.
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This is our 8 year old rescue enjoying his second Christmas with us. Unfortunately the poor lad was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. He has not shown any physical signs of having it and hopefully he gets to enjoy many more Christmas with us.


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