Port renfrew


Hello going camping at the pacheedaht campground can a guy do any shore fishing around there or do I need a boat to get into the bay? Cheers thanks for the help
It kinda depends on what you might be fishing for? You can always give it a go along the beach but not sure if it will really be all that productive ? If you were after a rockfish or lingcod you might have better luck trying along the breakwall near Pacific Gateway Marina. There isn't a lot of great spots from shore because of access to them. But hey......as long as you have your line in the water you never know what you might get? :)
PLEASE don't send a guy who want somthing "YUMMY" to fish for sea run cutthroat!

Like KCW said some fish are Catch and Release! Make sure you read the regs over and be certain what you might catch can be kept and how to identify them.

Fairy and lizard lake have some good trout fishing and you might find something yummy . not to far from the beach