Port Renfrew Reports -- Spring and Summer 2011

Just returned from a great trip to Renfrew. I am starting to learn the area a little better now, as this was only my second time there. Tons of Coho at Carmanah and out on the bank. Lots of them were hatchery fish, so you could keep some if you wanted to. No need for the riggers on the coho, a spoon with a small weight would get you into continuous action if you wanted to. We limited our time caching them even though it was lots of fun, we didn't want to damage a bunch of smaller fish. Best to let them grow a little more we figured. I kept a couple of hatch Coho for the barbie, but released all my other Salmon. Spring fishing was OK, but we didn't get any large fish. Most were smaller feeders, teeneers, with the largest we got in the lower twenties.

Spent way more time Hali fishing this trip, and it paid off. I caught one in the fifty plus range, two in the forties and released quite a few others including the largest and some teeners and twenty pounders. Most were caught on the bank and a couple came from Carmanah. Last time I was there I only fished Salmon, so I never realized how good the Hali fishing there was.

I think I'll be going back again in July as I enjoy it there more each time I go.
Another couple of fishing videos, from early season Port Renfrew trips ... thanks John and Blair for the good times! I'm looking forward to getting out there sometime soon....(not soon enough)

[yceTAJc5V2s] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yceTAJc5V2s

[xVsW22h4B9s] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVsW22h4B9s
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Yaaaa fish **** Renni style:confused: where's the nude chicas Juan?...sammy
this fishing is just nuts, the beach, offshore halibut coho chinook and lots of sockeye a jumpin. oh ya and **** fish pinks. lots of fish over thirty coming in also...

I don't know where you are fishing at Renfrew, but I was out there Thursday, overnight and Friday fishing Camper, East Point, and Logan. We did well late on Thursday at the high tide at Camper, but there was no really strong bite...a number of boats came in with one or two fish only, and that was with three or four hits. The Bank on Thursday was probably unreachable or not safe for most boats, Friday there were some out there, but did not hear great reports.

I hope this all changed on Saturday ( today) but people who are going to drive a long way, and spend money overnighting need realistic reports.

Bananas, Miller Time, and Last Chance all give fair and accurate reports, these professional fishermen treat us amateur anglers well with hints and accurate locations to fish, it is important to keep a good relationship going both at the site and on the chat board.

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I did decent on the bank yesterday (fri the first) quick Hali limits and lots and lots of salmon, probably 25 to the boat, but all very small and only had 6 worth keeping but they were all midteens to low 20's. so it was a constant undersized fish or a rare nice eater. fished 70-160' and only hooked into a couple cohos all released.

today was much slower, Hali were thin (and I was right in with the guides too and no one around me was doing much better) and the salmon were not nearly as thick as the day before. same gear and tactics got me 4 hookups in 1.5 hrs then I went to Hali then onto the beach. morning bite was apparently decent most boats got 1-3 fish but it got choppy in the afternoon and the fishing died off

I wouldn’t be to hard on Hourston, he just might know what he is talking about? There is a reason most guides on the WCVI and out of Renfrew have or are changing to offshore boats! The entire WCVI is becoming all about the banks and highway.

When referring to East Point, are you referring to the “Beach”? That complete close shore area is well known to be a very early morning and an afternoon high tide Chinook fishery. Personally, if just after springs I would highly suggest very early morning – about an hour prior to first light!

I don’t know, have never met, and have never fished with Hourston, but I really wouldn’t indicate or call any reports coming out of Port Renfrew unrealistic right now? They all can be correct, including yours! As you indicated “I don’t know where your are fishing…” That is correct, you don’t know where or how he was fishing! If an individual knows what he is doing he can plan a trip out of Port Renfrew right now and depending on where, tides, and time - you very well could have had a day that would have been “just nuts”! J

I have found, what you indicated and stated true everywhere up and down the WCVI, including Renfrew. Some people fish an area and don’t get a strike and the boat right next to them states it is “just nuts” and comes in with limits! A couple of years ago one afternoon at Camper, I was fishing alongside No Bananas. In about a 30-40 minute timeframe, as I was watching very few around catching anything, we both limited out on springs in the 30 pound range. FYI… as I was watching, I was also listening to Trev telling everyone on the radio where and how! J

I would suggest, rather than questioning the accuracy,you might want to call him (or one of the other guides mentioned) on the radio and confirm what is going on and where. And what you might be doing wrong? They monitor the same channel and they are ALL known to provide good, accurate, and current information.

Just based on this comment, it sounds to me he really might just know what he is talking about? You might want to jump back and re-read page14?

Yea, I am not done yet! J

This is still about helping people, so let’s try and figure out what one can and does do wrong, if anything? Here are some things to consider, especially Port Renfrew this time of year. On the date indicated :

2011-06-30 04:39 PDT Moonrise
2011-06-30 05:19 PDT Sunrise
2011-06-30 07:16 PDT 2.25 feet Low Tide

2011-06-30 13:32 PDT 9.21 feet High Tide
2011-06-30 18:56 PDT 6.65 feet Low Tide
2011-06-30 20:58 PDT Moonset
2011-06-30 21:23 PDT Sunset

2011-07-01 00:29 PDT 11.26 feet High Tide
2011-07-01 01:53 PDT New Moon

2011-07-01 05:19 PDT Sunrise
2011-07-01 05:45 PDT Moonrise
2011-07-01 07:52 PDT 1.89 feet Low Tide

2011-07-01 14:05 PDT 9.57 feet High Tide
2011-07-01 19:37 PDT 6.34 feet Low Tide
2011-07-01 21:23 PDT Sunset
2011-07-01 21:38 PDT Moonset

That whole area is a place fish migrate “through”– not to! They don’t hold in any one place for very long period! You can (and I have) literally spend all day at Camper trolling, with very few bites and/or Camper itself can be “just nuts”! And/or, if Camper isn’t producing either just up or down from that area – it will be “just nuts”! It’s all about tides, currents, and finding the fish!

The above aren’t the best tides IMHO,however, they sure aren’t the worst! If I was to fish during that period, knowing Renfrew like I do here is probably what I would have done. Right off the bat, I would have contacted one of the local guides on the radio currently and actively fishing the area and got their input. Since I already know what probably is going on, that would be confirming my plans. It would not have been fishing that shoreline for two or three days just trolling and just waiting for a fish to show up! I would have planned to be on the bank at first light fishing for halibut, prior and through that early low tide. As the tide started picking up, I would have switched to bottom trolling for halibut, salmon and anything else, finishing with Coho. Coming in from the bank area and fishing closer to the shore as the winds picked up. Depending on what was left on limits (if anything - probably not) and the current local information I gathered, you would probably find me at Bonilla, Beach, or Logan; finishing with that afternoon high for any springs.

Then off to retrieve the crab pots, which I know would be either full, or poached! Finishing my day at anchor, eating fresh crab and with a double crown in my hand! Just enjoying life! J
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Try Wisers Deluxe Charlie. (Rocks and maybe a splash of water) That's what real Canadians drink!

I think you are bang on Charlie. I fish a lot later at night than most guys, and had a few evenings on my last trip to Renfrew where the fishing was awesome at night. There was not a boat in sight when the fish were on the bite at those times. These bites coincided with the slack tide in the evening from 6:30 -8:30 at night. All the bait rose to the surface on the banks and the fish were feeding like crazy. It was quite the sight, and we had a lot of fun catching Coho and springs right on top. When we came back to camp and told a couple of people they looked at us like we were full of s**t.

I also spent a day on the bank that was totally fogged in, and if there were other boats out there we sure didn't see them. Most of the fish on that trip I released. The ones we kept were bled, cleaned, and filleted on the boat before we came in. Nice and fresh cleaned and straight onto ice. I hate coming in late then having to clean fish in the dark. So if we come in late and aren't at the cleaning table, most people just figure you're a hard luck case. You will always see the guides at the tables cleaning their slabs, that's just good advertising. Others have moved past the pics and bragging rights stage, and simply enjoy being out on the water. Fish are only a bonus, to me there's nothing to compare with being on the ocean with a chance to catch a monster fish of a lifetime. If I catch nothing that day so what, I still spent a full day on the water at one of the nicest places on earth.
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Some hatch ho's showing in the otter pt. area too...as for fishing in Renny sometimes it's hot sometimes it's not...for springs i prefer it on the flood...like charlie says you can be fishing camper & nothing but then you see the usuall suspects(guides,highliners etc.) pounding the rock pile...bingo time for a move...again if the usuall hot spots on the beach aren't producing time to go for a troll a little farther west...sometimes you may run into a pack along the way without another boat in site... at the end of the day sucess is a state of mind...sammy
Good post's boys! After all that's whay they call it "fishing" and not "catching" right? lol As a friend told me once about fishing Renfrew......he said it's better known as "Port ..you shoulda been here yesterday Renfrew!" That's why I love it.......ya just never know what's going to happen each day. :cool:
fished saturday and sunday out at the J buoy, halibut of 2@ 46, 1 0ver 30 and 4 in the 20's and 3 nice lings along with 3 nice snappers. Didn't catch a spring and we didn't want to fish the coho yet, let em get bigger first. All fish caught trolling the bottom with salmon gear, big pilchard spoons and hoochies. We usually get our hali and springs this way. The other boat that was with us did get 4 springs one was 29. what a weekend weather was great too.