Port Renfrew open for 2022?

That is why we also need to support lobbying groups like Public Fishery Alliance, SFI-BC, SVIAC, West Coast Fishing Guides Assoc., BC Fed of Drift Fishers, etc. with our donations and/or volunteer time to fight against these dangerous proposals that will effectively shut down the public salmon fishery on Southern Van Isle and the lower mainland.

We need to attend the DFO public consultation meetings to voice our very strong opposition to these ridiculous proposals that do little to help the SRKW but make the Govt. look good. Hell even the WA state fisheries folks say these proposal are over the top!

The time to act is now! Please look out for these public meetings and lets attend in vast numbers! If we don't we are doomed. So let's not let that happen - time to show up and be counted!