Port Renfrew derby

I went, fantastic trip if your going to port renfrew to learn the area and go for a nice boat ride. If your there to fish the Coho's forget about it.

Very few fish came in, the leader after day one was 19.4 and the lead changed hands twice on the second day with a 21.1 coming in followed by a 22. The winner take all prize was $13,880. Not very many people caught fish. The coho's aren't there in numbers yet. We were lucky to get three over the two days, a 13lb the first day with a 10 and 18lb the second.

The other bad part was all the shakers (7-15inch salmon). Most boats were catching 5-10 per day and the way those little guys hook themselves I am sure 60% or more die. It looked like the little guys were bashing the bait. I had spoons on for awhile and I would get the shakers hooked in the head or under the throat and into the gills. Multiply that by 2-300 boats and you have quite a slaughter.
quote:Originally posted by drhook

Thanks for the summery. Thats a problem with the shakers:(


1. Ban all treble hooks for fishing in the ocean. They're totally UNNECESSARY for salmon fishing. They do far too much harm to immature fish, namely shakers!

2. Mandate the use of larger hooks, 4/0 or larger so that shakers don't suffer the fate of a smaller hook.
Give it a rest man if all of us didnt want to use them (trebles) maybe we would like to see it we live in a demorcratic society some like trebles some dont, your opinion is your own not those of who like to use them so please drop it thanks

Good luck Wolf
I've seen big singles blind a shaker/tear his head open.

The larger question is-Why all the Shakers now WTH are the spawners?
quote:Originally posted by wolf

Give it a rest man if all of us didnt want to use them (trebles) maybe we would like to see it we live in a demorcratic society some like trebles some dont, your opinion is your own not those of who like to use them so please drop it thanks

Good luck Wolf

Ok. Fine with me Wolf. Still not going to stop me from forwarding the suggestion to DFO.

The use of Trebles are for people who believe that trebles hook more fish, and catch more fish. They also kill more small fish too.

That's why the Natives use great big massive lead headed trebles----! :)

Going to be cool when they come in with that reg.
You just dont get it do you FM your talking about someone who is floosing a river trying to snag a fish good god man give your head a shake!!!!!!!!! you may like to use a single hook for fishing in the ocean GOOD for YOU but alot of people and I mean alot of respected fisherman use a treble for SPORT FISHING.

I dont care if you use a single or a treble hook both of them ARE going to KILL a fish, A hook is a hook ive had single off of my plug go right up through the fish into its brain killing the fish almost instantly THIS will never happen with a smaller treble!!!!!!!!!

You know one thing also if you start letting DFO into your tackle box whats next,no bait, 10 lb main line,the list could go on forever,

FM you already brought up this debate before so enough is enough!!!!!
its not the opnion of most of the people here on the forum and ill doubt you will change them we dont want this on here.
so please stop stirring up S&$t thanks

Good luck Wolf
Interesting to here the comments about all the shakers at Port Renfrew. We're having the same problem here in Puget Sound while Coho fishing. In past years I'd catch (maybe) one or two shakers in a trip. Now we're catching 20-30 a day. Anybody have a theory on why so many shakers around now? Duing the winter months we usually catch quite a few shakers while fishing winter feeders but never so many this time of year. Just seems like all of the salmon's biological clocks are out of whack this year. Runs were late, fish fish aren't biting and have lock jaw, too many shakers. What do you think???
Hey Wolf relax man! This is a discussion forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion without having people freak out. If this is what 'FM' thinks then let people discuss the pros and cons of it without all the emotion. That my two bits worth.
Ya, the derby was a train wreck. There were guys blowing donuts all over the place. We managed four in the boat over the weekend with the largest only 13.4#. There were</u> signs of a slight improvement Sunday.

These SOB's got to be coming sometime here soon and believe me, I'll be back to settle the score....

PS - As for hooks, I ran lures with "large" singles and they tore the **** out of the shakers. Most shakers slap at larger lures and the hooks incidently impale them in the gills, top of the head, throat etc, and make big fatal holes. I bet trebs would cause less damage cause they don't dig in as far.
Me and wetbeaver fished saturday I think we were the first boat out there. droped the lines in the 300 area and somthing nailed wet's line thought it was going to spool him but got it all back and then lost it just before we could see what it was.
put a bright 17# spring in the box and a 10# coho,lots of black bass.

It was a shaker fest out there!
magician how can you say that trebles kill more fish than singles.when you hook a grilse on a spoon with a single hook 90% probably don't survive they are hooked in the throat or in the eye or right through the head.when you are using a barbless treble with bait 90% survive when most times they have one hook in the lip that turns out easily.So if you're going to start writing dfo and posting coments like that at least get your facts strait.
This thread is about the derby not about hooks.

Start a new thread. You can start it with any 1 hook is fine. It is the tandem trebles that should be illegal.

we were out on saturday. Fished all day and landed one 10 lbs coho. Where are they? Deeper? Late? Somewhere else?
Whole no problem I just dont like when someone is going to do something to our fishing before getting ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the FACTS!!!!!!! thats all I realise thats his personal opinion I dont agree with it but thats me as in the HOOK forum so if we want to continue this start up a new one.

The end Wolf
we fished both days, only 2 coho lots of crab and black bass(they are a blast on light gear), fishing was weak but the weather was amazing for renfrew at this time of year, i remember the rain last year on the sunday (yuck), there hasnt been many fish heading past the bridge,( no rain and no real big tides ) they dont come in, there are a bunch by the log jam but there must still be a ton out there somewhere, know a few guys who went for hali on sunday afternoon, no coho on the bank either, first good rain will give us one last chance at em i think
i agree with wolf a single trebble with bait works great , i catch fish maybe a little more then the next guy , i barely get bleeders with a small "single" get it "single"trebble then a single tandem set up . my 2 cents scottyboy .fm don`t cause **** man .tight lines
Hey fm, it takes a real man to fish with a single hook, good on ya, that's all i use, we call a double tandem treble hook up on a chovie a full metal jacket!!:D