Port Hardy Report/Duval Point Lodge

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Duval Point Lodge Fishing Report for July 21, 2004

Hello everyone and welcome to the “Fishing Report”. What can I say - the fishing has been great! We are seeing large numbers of Coho coming through, some of them getting close to 13 lbs. And what a fight! Most of our guests are going home with their limits of Coho and releasing many more.

We have been mostly fishing Castle Point, the backside of the Gordon’s, and Duval at anywhere from 60 to 100 feet. A cut plug or anchovy have been working the best.

Last week I managed to slip out for a few hours of fishing with my son Baird. Baird, who many of you know as one of the dock boys around the lodge, does not get to much time to fish, so I drove the boat and he fished. We decided to head out to Castle Point to try our luck. For those of you who are unfamiliar with our area Castle Point is about 30 minute boat ride from the lodge due north. We decided to fish an anchovy and started out at 60 feet. Before we got the second downrigger into the water we were into a 10 lb. Coho. We started at 7:30 a.m. and by 10:30 a.m. we were limited out with four Chinook (the largest going 27 lbs.), two Coho and two pinks (for the smoker). We also released several large Coho and lost two more big Chinook. (Pictures of our day of fishing can be viewed on our web site at http://www.duvalpointlodge.com/report.html)

This year we are again giving out the coveted “30 lb Club” hat. These hats are given to anyone who catches a salmon over 30 lbs. So far this year we have given approximately 15 of these hats out. The Chinook fishing has been great this year with lots in the 20-30 lb. range. We have a few pictures of some of our guests posted on our web site posing with their fish. http://www.duvalpointlodge.com/report.html

Our guided trips have been very popular this year and our guests have been very pleased, most returning from a day of fishing with their limits. If you would like to book a guided trip please do not do it at the last minute. We still have a few openings, the cost is $650 Canadian for 8 hours.

If anyone has pictures of their fishing trip at the lodge please email them to us at duval@island.net and we will try and get them on our web site. Pictures for this week will be posted this evening.

Till next week.

Tight Lines

Tom Makinson

Duval Point Lodge


In Season Port Hardy 250-949-6667

Lodge in Season 250-949-1294

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