Port Alberni Launch question??


Well-Known Member
I have been launching at clutisie for years and never paid attention to tides as boats where small.

Little more draft now and was wondering if, other than the usual river current on a low tide. Is there any issue with getting out the river on a 0.8 meter tide in my 21 trophy ? Launching Friday Morning.

Thanks: Ray
The tides can pose a bit of a problem. When they are changing the river is flowing at a pretty good clip. I've seen a lot of boats get caught and bang into the wharf and boats tied alongside. At low tide I would be cautious as you head out to the channel. It gets very shallow if you aren't in the middle of the marked areas. As long as you are cautious and know what you are doing all should be good.
Low tides, especially after rains, can lead to stressful trailering at Clutesi.
I had my most challenging trailering episode ever, by far, at ~7am on June 23rd, not realizing it was going to be a below datum low (-0.2m). The river was ripping downstream and the back eddy into the launch was amazingly powerful. The back of the boat was being pushed downstream while the bow was getting ripped upstream! Been there, done that - but not EVER to that degree!
In your case, a 21' boat being launched at 0.8m should be fine, especially since there hasn't been much in the way of rain to swell the river.
I forgot to mention I was also hoping some one could tell me if I can get in the back door to Julia on a 0.6 0.8 meter tide. Or what the minimum is for the back door if ya know that. only used the back door a couple times as we used to go out of toquart bay.
You should be fine. At least ease close and see what you think, it isn't much trouble/extra time to run around if you get spooked.
Put your leg up on the lowest tide. I will be going through tomorrow afternoon. Third cabin on the left going in . Enjoy the weekend . Willyd
Thanks for the info. Hope these winds they predict stay the heck away.