Port Alberni Fishing Derby

Sea Alice

New Member
What a bunch of bull **** that is!!.....We caught a really nice fish yesterday..(over 27 lbs) holding two tickets on our boat, to find we really didn't have to put out the $60. After spending the day on board.........and only catching the two fish, we hear some a-holes on the radio asking where they can buy a ticket, as they have just caught the big one. I thought the ticket sales would cut off at the start of the derby, but NO....they are still selling tickets today. W.T.F. Does that seem fair? After three years in this derby we will not be back!!
quote:Originally posted by tubbed out

alice alice who the f*%$ is alice

:D:D Thats the EXACT thing I was thinkin LOL

This sea alice?
so sorry " Sea Alice" didn't realize that was your boat name!! thought I just made that up!! We are two different !!!

Well, Here we are 2011 and wondering if the organizers of the Port Alberni Fishing Derby have wised up on the ticket sales for this year. APPARENTLY NOT !!.
We heard via the grape vine that you will still be able to purchase a ticket at any point during the derby. Ha..........well good luck with that Organisers! Is everyone on that committee that stupid?
We will be back in the derby this year, but you can be rest assured that if we catch a derby winner. We will at that time stash our fish, and then go purchase A ticket! So yes, I guess they have just lost our $90 bucks. Sure takes the fun out of the derby for all of us honest participants.
They are shooting themselves in the foot thinking that “leaving tickets sales open during the derby will bring in more revenue”............Wronnggggggggg!! More and more participants are “catching” onto “fish and then buy your ticket” so, I say....If you can’t beat-em, you might as well Join-em.....
Good luck everyone, we’ll see ya at the finally, I’ll be the one holding up the 45. lb derby winner with the ticket I purchased an hour “after” my catch!! .......Dot dot dot......

Sea Alice - not to be confused with the boat named Sea Alice!
Does sound hokey to me though too. Every derby I ever went in the tickets sales were cut off prior to derby start, and connections to other waterways were monitored for cheaters bringing in out of area fish too. How can it be a derby if you can buy a ticket AFTER you catch a fish. Someone needs to smuck organizers up side the head, or they may find no one will even buy a ticket next time. Seems kind of just so wrong really doesn't it?
fair enough homes......I might not be great at posts, but I am one hell of a fisher-woman!! (don't know the site well or where the smiles are on here...sorry....................the only smilies I know, are the ones that are going to be in our boat next weekend..... :P "wink" "wink"
lol, good luck out there next weekend:D, and remember, cheaters never win, and winners never cheat, what goes around eventually comes back around,;):cool:holmes*

Exactly what I was thinking holmesy. I don't even like to hear people joke about cheating. BTW I think that the winner will come from the canal this year.