Porlier Yesterday


Active Member
Fishign was awesome (bottom fish) we worked in a circuit, went to one spot in the pass, cought fish like mad for about 10 minutes, then it went dead moved to the nextspot, cought fish like mad for 10 mins, moved to the next spot...green ling, cod, and ling. Lotts of Double and tripple headers, we almost had a fish on one line every minute atleast. Got a 15lb ling, a few cod and a few green ling in the freezer. Great day on the water..the tide rip going out was pretyy messy though..10'+ waves id guess after getting out and turning around :P
We grilled up the ling and are having a couple cod tonight..trolled for about 45mins off tent for salmon but didnt get anything..couple fish on the sounder though in the 120' of water, fish 10-15' off bottom