

Active Member
Hey guys, heading out to porlier pass on sunday for the first time. We were told pinks are being cought, but ive never fished for them before. What would you reccomend as a set up? Do they like anchovies, or do they need pink on a lure to bite? Thanks!

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
im pretty sure use the same set up as sockeye, small pink hootchies, small pink spoons short leaders behind the flasher 20-28 im guessing.......
Seconded.............Bait does job as well.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Ive only fished for springs <img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle> this is my first year fishing by myself for salmon.

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
I got a pink lady and christman tree squirt. Ill let you know how i do.

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats