Pink Salmon 2011


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my scientist contact at DFO and he advised me that they are forecasting the largest run of pink salmon in history. The run will peak at 30,000+ so that will be great for kids and the first time salmon fisherman who just wanting to catch fish none stop.

Not so great for people wanting to catch springs because it will be hard to get to them if the pinks are taking the bait first.
Doug 30,000 doesn't sound like a big run when you are talking pinks unless you mean 1 river i hope that isn't the ecvi & wcvi if so we are in trouble! The pink returns to the mid ecvi have been historiclly low the last few years.
Hopefully 30,000 is a typo i would be more optimistic if it was 3000000.
That's more like it doug we'll be swating them off like flies waitting for the slabs to bite.Good thing for you as a guide 2 trips a day ,then a little time left for you to hunt some slabs without the touristas getting in the way!
This also means it will be another "Pink Salmon Festival" year.
The "Take a Kid Fishing" part of this is very rewarding.
If you can get involved and volunteer a day and your boat to take part in this please do. Skippers are always needed.

I did it last time around with a few others from SFBC and really enjoyed it. The kids I took out had never been out in a boat never mind fishing and may never get a chance to do it again. They had a great time as did everyone involved.

Break out the light gear!

Also any and all useless spoons and hootchies-those idiot animals will take anything!
Buy lots of bait before its all gone again.
Or a piece of tin foil wrapped around a bent paper clip ... pinks are not picky!

But that wasn't their point ... they were saying pinks gobble up all your bait while you're trying to chase chinook ... so there was a summer bait shortage 2 years ago.
There was a anchovy shortage last year but no herring shortage.Every year there is usually a shortage of a certain size anchovy's depending when you buy.If you buy early you usually will have enough to get you thru :)