Panask Lake


Well-Known Member
Has anyone fished Panask lake this year?

Wondered if it is still like it used to be? lots and lots of fish. I have been on the island for 6 years but am going back to Kelowna for a holiday.Was planning a day up there with the kids if it is still easy fishing.
thanks in advance

No place I would rather be (FISH ON)
Pennask is still a blast. Lots of cookie cutters, willing to bite pretty much anything. I would throw some deer hair patterns in the evening.
If I were you i'd give Hatheume a try, lots of fish but they are picky but u can hook into a 10lber, I haven't been there since i moved to the island but it was dynamite last time I was there. It's not too far from pennask.
Hey folks. Thanks for the response.

I forgot I posted this. we did end up at Panask. Same as I remembered it. Caught around 6o fish. Nothing has changed they are all either too small or the same size as the last one we could have kept LOL. 52 Buick and the black sprat. Fish Nutz I agree on Hatheume. I have logged many hours on that lake. We used to go there in the morning and then go to panask to take a few for eating. That goes back to before they put a 1 fish limit at hatheume. Was "no retention in those days. back before they put the connector in and the lodge had not gotten so fancy.

PS Sad to see almost every tree up there is dead now ,will post a pic later to show you.

Cheers Ray

No place I would rather be (FISH ON)