P66 or Airmar TM165

If you want it to be?haha I can’t rememeber who was talking about power and beams. I usually run medium chirp when trolling in shallower waters as it lets me see my rigger ball. I switch to high when I want better bottom clarity and to see if the fish are truly right under me.
If you want it to be?haha I can’t rememeber who was talking about power and beams. I usually run medium chirp when trolling in shallower waters as it lets me see my rigger ball. I switch to high when I want better bottom clarity and to see if the fish are truly right under me.
Only that in really deep water you lose the bottom. But thats why I had 2 mfd’s on the boat (p66 annd 165). And, don’t turn on your chart plotter when the boats not in the water. You can burn out a 165 transducer if it’s not cooled in water.
That goes for any chirp transducer. My tm150 was burned out that way by my boat partner. Hopefully the 165 does not meet the same end. It's expensive!