Outdoor Caucus

Red Monster

Well-Known Member
This is great news and I trust all the clubs and members will get behind this idea and get their MLA involved.

Bill Otway


E-Annex, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4 TEL: (250) 356-6171 FAX: (250) 356-6176

For immediate release

March 14, 2007

MLA Bennett Announces Outdoor Caucus in B.C. Legislature

victoria – Our issues in rural B.C. are different than the issues in the Lower Mainland. We care a little bit more about off-road vehicle licensing and management than we do about TransLink. We care about things like wildlife allocation, and we hope that file is resolved in a way that is fair and generous to the residents of British Columbia, said East Kootenay MLA Bill Bennett in the B.C. Legislature today.

“I'm pleased to announce today that I'm going to be forming a B.C. outdoor caucus to work in conjunction with the federal outdoor caucus and some provincial caucuses across the country. The B.C. Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will be happy about this. They've asked me to do this,” said Bennett. “The B.C. outdoor caucus will be non-partisan, so I say to all members: I hope that you join the caucus, but if you want to do politics don't bother joining because this is not about politics. This is about the outdoors.”

Our mission is to support fishing, hunting, trapping, shooting sports and motorized recreation as acceptable, traditional, environmentally-sustainable outdoor heritage activities with a safety credo and a conservation ethic as our highest priorities, and:

To ensure that British Columbians continue to have reasonable access to provincially managed public lands and waters to enjoy traditional outdoor heritage activities;

To increase awareness of the economic importance of outdoor heritage activities to British Columbia’s economy, and to support the growth of outdoor activities, heritage businesses and jobs;

To preserve and promote the traditional British Columbia outdoor heritage activities and the environmental stewardship ethic upon which they are based; and

To support multiple sustainable uses and management of public lands, waters, fish, wildlife and habitat, based on sound science and professional natural resource tenets, for the benefit of all Canadians.

“This caucus will support the heritage activities of hunting, fishing and trapping, outdoor activities like ATV and snowmobile trail running. I'll be in touch with members in the very near future to give a formal invitation into this caucus. Even if you don't hunt or fish or trap yourself, I hope that you'll accept the invitation and join this caucus to represent the tens of thousands of rural British Columbians who do those kinds of activities,” added Bennett.

“I came here about six years ago to represent my constituents in the East Kootenay and to represent all British Columbians. I think we all do that. But I also came here six years ago specifically to represent the interests of rural British Columbians because that's where I come from and that's where I've lived most of my life,” said Bennett.


Visit Bill’s website at www.billbennettmla.bc.ca

For more information, contact Lilian Kim, Government Caucus Communications: 250-356-0389



John B Holdstock
BC Wildlife Federation
Kelowna, BC


The world is run by those who show up.
"Our mission is to support fishing, hunting, trapping, shooting sports and motorized recreation as acceptable, traditional, environmentally-sustainable outdoor heritage activities with a safety credo and a conservation ethic as our highest priorities"
What a load of BS!
WTH is 'traditonal' about ATVs and Motocross bikes?[V]
"Our mission is to support fishing, hunting, trapping, shooting sports and motorized recreation as acceptable, traditional, environmentally-sustainable outdoor heritage activities with a safety credo and a conservation ethic as our highest priorities"
What a load of BS!
WTH is 'traditonal' about ATVs and Motocross bikes?[V]
I'm very very skeptical about groups like this also, as they seem to mirror the Wise Use movement from the United States and the corresponding Congressional Sportsmans Caucus/Foundation type groups down there that pretend to represent outdoor recreationists.
Apply the "Duck Formula" to this announcement and I suspect you'll find much the same thing.

Hope I'm wrong.

Take care