Outboard hours


Active Member
What do you guys think it's normal hours/year on an outboard?
I've heard 30 to 40. Am I close?
To each his own I guess the word should be "commonly usage" hours on outboards. You guys that fish 8-10hours daily need not apply:D:D

I would think more than that. Sometimes i log that in a week and im sure some on here even more. I would think closer to 100 on a normal boat thats used?
Main motor or kicker?At least a hundred on the kicker,proably 25 on the main seeing how I'm running from Cheanuh to Otter, most days.And..thats if I'm lucky to get the time off.DAN
I seem to put about 60-90 hrs/year on the main engine with the occasional high mileage trip 50-100 miles. I crab and prawn early and late season so put a fair bit of time in the boat on weekends and days off.